.bk J03 .fl Q831vE.j .fd Daily journal for J03 East .fn edited by eI on R815 and by jW on R924 .ei vVE .ed Q830 .rd Q831 .ri vVE -dy Work was continued in the southern half of k106 to reach the same level as had been reached yesterday in the northern half of k106 and to further reveal the boulders that had been exposed there. The boulder f580 was removed and the small column of underlying deposits was excavated. The faces of the top stones of the revetment wall f569 in k106 were cleaned and some of the stones are clearly not in direct contact with the underlying stones of the revetment wall f569. This would then prove the hypothesis that the top of the revetment wall was added in younger times. In k1 excavation in the Northern half of k1 was continued after the stones f575 and f579 had been removed here. More stones appeared however and they seem to lie in line in front of the revetment wall. To make more sense of these new stones we started to excavate the southern half of k1 as well. The large boulder of f530 leaves a 20 cm space between its eastern edge and the East section. When this space was excavated we discovered baqaya and possibly mud bricks lying under the second apron. k 1 dy The stones f575 and f579 were removed today and then excavation continued in the Northern half of k1. At the end of one pick run the tops of five boulders became visible. These seem to lie in line in front of the revetment wall f569. To make sense of these stones we need to expose a larger area and therefore we continued to excavate also the Southern half of k1. f 578 dy The stones f575 and f579 were removed from the trench that occupies the northern half of k1, while another small boulder f585 was left in place. Then we excavated one run with the big pick after which the tops of several boulders appeared on the new surface. f 575 dy The stone f575 was removed today. ns The bottom of f575 must have been lying in the ash layer of f576. f 579 dy The stone f575 was removed today. ns The bottom of f579 must have been lying in the ash layer of f576. f 585 ds f585 is a small boulder lying to the west of stones f575 and f579 in front of the revetment wall f569. f 572 dy In order to make sense of the new row of boulders, whose tops have been uncovered while excavating the Northern half of k1, we started to excavate the natural accumulation f572 also in the Southern half of k1. k 106 dy The stones that had been partially uncovered yesterday in the Northern half of k1 were further uncovered by excavating the Southern half of k106 to the same level. Several more large boulders were uncovered and relayed: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. These boulders seem to lie on the same level as the ash deposit of f577. The small boulder f580 was removed. We cleaned the faces of the stones of the top of the revetment wall. It was clear that some of these boulders are not resting directly on the other stones of the revetment wall, but were instead resting on deposits. This proves the hypothesis that the top of the revetment wall was a younger addition. f 572 dy The natural accumulation f572 was now also excavated in the Southern half of k106 in order to clarify the context of the boulders that had appeared yesterday in the northern half of k106. During the excavation of f572 several more large boulders were uncovered and relayed: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. These boulders seem to lie on the same level as the ash deposit of f577. f 577 dy After removing the overlying deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. f 580 dy The stone f580 was removed today after the area designation and its feature number had been written on it with a permanent marker. f 569 ds After cleaning the face of the top of the revetment wall it became clear that some of these boulders are not resting directly on the other stones of the revetment wall, but were instead resting on deposits. This proves the hypothesis that the top of the revetment wall was a younger addition. See v551b and v551c. ar Both in k01 and k106 there is the association of an ashy layer (f576 and f577) with collapsed stones (f575, f579, f585 and f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589). This association could indicate a deliberate disturbance of the top of the revetment wall (that had remained visible). If I were to follow this line of reasoning I would suggest that such a disturbance must have been caused by outsiders. This would also explain why the inhabitants of Urkesh at then felt the need to recreate the top of the revetment wall by adding another line of stones. f 584 dy While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. ds Feature f584 is a large boulder that lies to the west of f586, f587, f588 and f589. Just as these stones, f584 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577. f 586 dy While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. ds Feature f586 is a large boulder that lies to the west of f587, f588, f589 and to the east of f584. Just as these stones, f586 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577. f 587 dy While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. ds Feature f587 is a boulder that lies close to f584, f586, f588, and f589. Just as these stones, f587 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577. f 588 dy While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. ds Feature f588 is a boulder that lies close to f584, f586, f587, and f589. Just as these stones, f586 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577. f 589 dy While removing the deposit f572 in the Southern half of k106 several more large boulders were uncovered: f584, f586, f587, f588 and f589. ds Feature f589 is a boulder that lies close to f584, f586, f588, and f589. Just as these stones, f586 seems to rest in the ashy deposit of f577.