.bk J03 .fl Q910jW1.j .fd Daily journal for Q910 .fn -wk, k101, k108, k109, -sf -sg, -eq, f247, f123 .ei jW .ed Q910 .rd Q910 .ri jW -wk All assigned workmen reported except for Muhammad Kher and Khalid Suleiman, who resigned. Unis Jamal hired as a replacement. Gave one removal-man each to J1 and J4. -eq The elevator was finally re-installed and it speeded removal perceptably. However, it clogged and stopped at the end of the day. -sf rE was detailed to assist J4 in data processing and mKB in pottery analysis. eDB worked at home checking data entries and preparing plots. -sg gB and jW met at the site to review progress and revise the goals of yesterday. The surface work in the N-S group of loci which includes k108, k22, and k23 is almost complete in that we have traced a highly compacted mud surface attributed to Phase 6b, f123 and f31, from the wall memory stones north to its intersection with the baqaya glacis, f109 and f50, along the north edge of k23. Next, after photographing the mud surface from south of the wall to the north baulk of k23, we will begin to excavate floor f148 to the south of the memory stones to expose the south face of the monumental wall, f11, to a depth of 50cm. Also, we will finish removing the remnants of the east baulk of k101, which blocks a one-meter wide section of the view of the wall face from the south. k 109 dy After photographing the portion of floor, f247, and the arc of stones, a8, excavated yesterday, we followed the floor to the north until it intersected with the Phase 7 mud glacis, f241, in the northern quarter of the locus. After removing the stones of a8 and their pedistals, we again photographed the expanded surface of f247, then removed it. Beneath, a softer, browner natural accumulation is appearing. Removed floating stones f115 and f237 from the eastern baulk line of the locus. f 247 ds A very highly compacted dirt floor in the southern three quarters of k109. It contains small pieces of charcoal and sherds laying flat. Although the surface is extremely hard, it is wavy, with peaks and valleys of 10cm or less throughout. nf The function of this floor is problematical. Although there were pieces of charcoal scattered throughout and sherds were pressed flat on the highly compacted surface, there was no other indication of intense use. The relationship with the stones in arc a8 is also problematical. All were placed at differing heights within 50cm of the floor surface, but none actually rested on it. On the other hand, it seems likely that the stones were purposely arranged but were not aligned with the wall or the memory stones. There were no other packed surfaces nearby that could be associated with the stones or the floor. k 108 dy Today, we excavated to trace a hard-packed mud glacis-like surface, f123, northward from a gently upward sloping mud surface in k108, into k22 and thence to the northern edge of k23. In k22 it rose more sharply and was covered by accumulation f119. In k23 it began to slope less severely and was covered by what we believe to be a Phase 7 mud glacis, f152. At the northern edge, was a badly deteriorated mudbrick structure and pot-smash which seems to be associated with pit a6. sg Tomorrow we will carefully explore the nature of the brick structure to determine its function. k 101 dy We removed the final portion of the east baulk of k101, which lay to the south of the south face of wall, f11. f 123 nr Part of this packed mud surface running E-W in the vicinity of the juncture of the late packed earth floor f173, and the packed mud glacis f152, was damaged. At this point the downward slope to the south transitions to a flat surface. The damage may have been associated with the construction of this floor or we possibly accidentally damaged f123 during excavation, despite exercising great care.