.bk J04 .fl Q902sC.j .fd feature descriptions 64-67, 69-72, 76-78 .ei sC .ed Q902 .rd Q829 .ri sc f 64 df ab ds This is a natural accumulation under f58 in k74. It has a platy structure once picked with the small pick and it is hard in consistence; it is very fine texture and presents patches of compact and loose soil. This feature covers a lot of sherds and broken vessels and two tannur. It has a graysh color when removed. ;************ f 65 ;df ad ds This feature number has benn assigned to the fill of the German trench T10 in the NW portion of k73 (i.e. 140cm S and 200cm W to m4394). This trench was dug -togheter with other trenches- by a German team directed by Prof. Peter Pfalzner during the investigation of this portion of the tell mound in 2001. The fill is crumby and soft and it is charachterized by the presence of plastic bags, fragments of bricks, pebbles and stones and lot of pottery sherds. f 66 df ab ds This is a natural accumulation under f35 in k62. When picked it is crumble (a bit dusty when removed) and very compact in consistence; once picked it presents a fine and loose texture. It is characterized by the presence of phytolitics and pebbles. f66 is the same feature as f67 in k63. f 67 df ad ds This is a natural accumulation under f39 in k63. It is crumby when picked, hard in consistence, and very fine in texture. f67 is a bit clayish (a bit dusty when removed); it is characterized by patches of hard and soft soil. f67 is the same as f66 in k62 and is the same accomulation we have been exposing in k64 as well as k73 and k74 during the previous days. f 69 df ad ;ds This is the top accumulation we met in k84: this unit was already excavated by mH in MZ 17. It is crumby and soft in consistence, and fine texture. It is characterized by the presence of pottery sherds, pebbles and stones. It is light grayish in colour. .rd Q829 .ri pc f 70 ds This is the feature number has been assigned to the cleaning of the S section of k83. This section was only partially preserved (i.e. 400cm W and 30cm N from m4410). f 71 ;df ad ds This is a natural accumulation in k83; it covers an area of 250cm E and 120cm N in the northern portion of k83. It is crumby an soft in consistence, it is characterized by a compact soil,it is fine in texture and light brown in colour. In the NE area it abuts f65 (the German trench). f 72 ;df ab ds This is a natural accomulation in k84. It is compact in surface that once removed turn to be very soft in consistence and very fine in texture. f72 it is characterized by the presence of a lot of bones, among which a dog skull (which comes out of the E section of the square). f72 is the same of f69, directly above. f 76 df ab ds This is an accumulation under f72 in k84. It is soft in consistence and very fine in texture and wet. f76 seems to be rich in organic materials and due to their presence it is dark brown in colour; it is rich in phytolits (which give a platy structure to the accumulation when it is removed with the pick). It is characterized by the presence of pebbels and patches of ash; in this feature were recovered a lot of different animal bones and a dog skull (the body probably is within the E baulk of k84). ; OLD DS BY PATTY ds *****This is an accumulation under f72 in k84. It is soft in consistence and very fine in texture and wet. f76 seems to be rich in organic materials and due to their presence it is dark brown in colour; it is rich in phytolits (which give a platy structure to the accumulation when it is removed with the pick). It is characterized by the presence of pebbels and patches of ash; in this feature were recovered a lot of different animal bones and a dog skull (the body probably is within the E baulk of k84). co yellowish brown c# 10YR 5/4 ;f 77 ;df ly ;ds This is the glacis layer under f71 in k82. It has a very hard and compact surface. It is characterized by the presence of small stones and chalcite pebbles (>1cm) and some baqaya. f 78 df ad ds This is a natural accumulation in the southern portion of k83 (280cm S and 250cm E from r35). It is crumby and hard in consistence (a bit dusty when removed). f78 is characterized by a compact soil, it is fine in texture and light brown in colour, but when it dryes assumes a graysh colour. f78 it is the same as f71 in k83. f 99 ds f99 has been assigned to 3 floating limestones located close to the W section of k72: f99.1, f99.2 and f99.3; f99.2 and f99.3 are very close one to another, and have been relayed with only one relay. .rd Q829 .ri sc f 68 df mix ds accumulation over uncovered excavation from MZ17 (this portion of the area was already investigated by mH in MZ17). By removing f68, we exposed, in the E portion of k83, several fragments of nylon: these have been located at the bottom of the German trench in the 1999 excavation season which interested this portion of k83. f68 abuts the German trench in E portion of the square (where it continues in the E baulk of k83 and in k73). f68 has a very compact surface, and is characterized by the presence of pottery sherds (among these two Nuzi sherds have been collected), fragments of tannur, small stones and few pebbles.