.bk J04 .fl U212sC3.j .fd _J04 horizons h 85-MZA and h 67-MZA .ei sC .ed U212 .rd U212 .ri sC s 1-JPA 65,61 Modern 8-JPA 1-MZA 52,68,69,70,71,51,81 Accumulations part of the build-up of the tell surface between excavation seasons 85-MZA ;f51 has been assigned to the cleaning of k82 and of the S portion of k83 2-MZA 1,2,3,4,6,15,22,24,27,31,42,87,114,115,138 Toposoil and accumulations that build-up the upper portion of the tell surface 85-MZA 2a-MZA 5,17,18,88,117,164,94,138 Washed-layers and erosion-layers of the Tell surface 85-MZA ; 5 perche a modern pottery has been recovered while removing this feature ;94: E baulk k 81 (ma nel file c'era scritto W baulk...) ;f69 is a natural accumulation over uncovered excavation from MZ17 in k84: we treated it as a modern topsoil 3-MZA 165 Scattered occupation in upper layers 85-MZA 5-MZA 7,8,9,13,14,23,25,26,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,38,43,44,45,56,57,37,54 Natural accumulations below the topsoil layer (aprox. 1m deep) 85-MZA 5a-MZA 11,16,19,100,128,12,98,20,102,101,102,99,129,106,107,62,113,82,83,151,157,130,131,132,133,134,135,73,74,122,46,39,41,47,21,48,49,40,123 Tell surface wash and erosion within build-up 85-MZA 12-MZA 66,67,90,59,58,105 Build-up 67-MZA 12a-MZA 55,60,63,103,108,109,110,111,104,91,92 Tell surface wash and erosion 67-MZA s 1-JPA df German Trenches ds This stratum has been assigned to the activities that took place in modern times, in particular, is related with the trenches dug in the tell terrace in the 2001 excavation season during a investigation of this portion of the tell mound by a team of the university of Tubingen directed by Prof. Peter Pfalzner. s 2-MZA ;df Toposoil and accumulations that build-up the upper portion of the tell surface ds This stratum is related with the toposoil and the accumulations below the topsoil that build-up the upper portion of the tell surface. s 2a-MZA df Erosion of Tell ds This substratum is related to washed-layers and erosion-layers of the tell surface; within this substratum various isolated limestones have been found, as a consequence of the erosion of the tell surface. s 5-MZA df Build-up of tell ds Below the topsoil layer (s2), we have been digging basically the same type of accumulations in all the J04 loci investigated in the 2006 excavation season (k71-74, k61-64). The accumulations found were all wind and water-born in nature, with the build-up formed by the wind-blown soil being almost 2m in depth, as it is visibile in the long N-S section of J04 unit (cfr. v32 and related subviews). Generally, the first 10cm below the topsoil layers were still rich in organic materials (given the presence of several bushes on the topsoil). All the accumulations below the topsoil layer, especially in the first 50cm, consisted generally of a very regular layering. The water-born accumulation were characterized, on the top surface, by a hard and smooth-regular surface, and immediately below, by several layers of small pebbles, settled on the basis of their size (some of these were cleary visible, for example, in the north section of k72). While removing the natural accumulations below the topsoil layer, pottery sherds, bones and -sporadicly- some items and q-items have been recovered. Their presence is related with the erosion of the tell surface: this, in fact, is not material that is associated with any human presence or activity within J04 unit in this time period. s 5a-MZA df Erosion of Tell ds This substratum is related with the erosion of the natural accumulations below the topsoil layer. Within this sub-stratum, various isolated limestones have been found, as a consequence of the erosion of the tell surface. s 12-MZA ;df Build-up ds This stratum is related with natural accumulations that build-up the tell surface below the topsoil layers and related accumulations (these are washed layers below the topsoil layer relative to s5 and s5a). As for the accumulations belonging to s5 and s5a, the layers belonging to s12 are all wind and water-born in nature, and contributed to the build-up of the tell for another meter in depth. These accumulations are characterized by compact areas mixed with patches of soft ones which suggests their temporary exposure to water. While digging these natural layers, lots of pottery sherds have been recovered toghether with bones and q-items; the presence of this archaeological material is however related with the erosion of the tell surface. In fact, there are no evidence -at least for what concerns the information retrieved at the end of the 2006 excavation season in J04- which could suggest that the area where J04 unit was set was in use in this time period (Phase 67-MZA). ;OLD DFFF ds This stratum is related with all the natural accumulations that buil-up the tell surface; these are basically all undisturbed accumulations aprox. 1m in depht s 12a-MZA ;df Tell wash or erosion ds This substratum is related with the tell surface wash and erosion. Within this sub-stratum, various isolated limestones have been found, as a consequence of the erosion of the tell surface. ;k61 NO features excavated that belongs to this stratum; stop digging in this locus at the elev of 9293. f151, f157 are floating limestones ;k62 f66 (9229-9190),108,109,110,111 h 85-MZA df Build-up of tell ds In J04 area, Phase 85-MZA is related with the upper layers, such as the topsoil and the layers below the toposil which are mainly wind and water-born accumulations: these natural accumulations, contribuited to the build-up of the tell mound for aproximately 1 meter in depth. The build-up of the tell mound, as visibile in the long N-S section of J04 unit (cfr. v32 and related subviews), is in total aproximately 2 meter deep, but only the first meter is related with Phase 85-MZA. This phase comprehends different strata that represent the different events that took place within J04 unit in this phase. These, are the following: s1, is related with the accumulations that build-up between different excavation seasons, s2 is related with the topsoil layers and the layers below the toposoil (including also layers related with tell surface wash and erosion), s3 concerns the upper layers with evidence of scattered occupation s5, is related with natural accumulations that build-up the tell surface below s3, and s5a is instead related with the erosion of the natural accumulations belonging to s5. Within all these accumulations, several pottery sherds and q-items were recovered (mostly within s5) toghether with isolated limestones (mainly within layers belonging to s5a). The presence of this material, however, is not related with human activity within this area of the tell mound in this time period, at least for what concerns J04 unit, but with the erosion of the tell surface. At present (i.e., as the results of the 2006 excavation season in J04 unit indicate) there are no evidence of activities carried out within J04 unit in Phase 85-MZA. nr The build-up of the tell surface, as already mentioned, is almost 2 meter deep; this is clearly visibile in the long N-S section of J04 unit (cfr. v32 and related subviews). The pottery sherds recovered -while removing the accumulations that build-up the tell mound- allowed us to assigne the layers belonging to the first meter of accumulation (corresponding to stratum s5 and its substraum s5a) to Phase 85-MZA, and those found within the meter below (relative to stratum s12 and its substraum, s12a) to Phase 67-MZA. ;******************ds In J04 area, Phase 85-MZA is related with the upper layers, such as the topsoil and the accumulations below the toposil. These accumulations are washed or eroded layers and natural accumulations that build-up the tell surface for aproximately 1 meter in depth. Phase 85-MZA comprehends different strata that represent the different events that took place within the J04 unit in this phase. The strata are the following: s1 which is related with the accumulations that build-up between excavation seasons, s2 which is related with the topsoil layers and the layers below the toposoil (the latter related with tell surface wash and erosion), s3, which concerns the upper layers with evidence of scattered occupation and s5, which is related with natural accumulations that build-up the tell surface and s5a is instead related with the erosion of these layers. All the accumulations that build-up the tell surface are all wind and water-born in nature. The build-up of the tell surface formed by the wind-blown soil is almost 2 meter deep, as it is visibile in the long N-S section of J04 unit (cfr. v32 and related subviews). Within the accumulations that build-up the tell mound a difference was possible between the first and the second meter, differenciation that has been possible on the basis of the pottery sherds recovered. The first meter is relative to s5 (Phase 85-MZA), while the meter below, to stratum s12 and its substraum s12a (both strata belong to Phase 67-MZA). Within the accumulations that build-up the tell mound for the first meter and that belongs to Phase 85-MZA, quite several pottery sherds were recovered (s5) toghether with isolated limestones (s5a). The presence of this material, however, is not related with human activity within the area, but to the erosion of the tell surface. At present, there are no evidence of active use or presence of any human activity within the J04 unit in this phase. h 8-JPA df Modern ds This horizon has been assigned to the activities that took place in modern times in the Tell mound. h 67-MZA df Build-up of Tell ;df Thick layer of natural accumulations that build-up the tell surface ds In J04 unit, Phase 67-MZA is related with the build-up of the tell surface caused by natural accumulations which is aproximately one meter deep. This Phase is very similar, in its depositional history to Phase 85-MZA, as it is clearly visibile from the stratigraphy shown in v32. This view, and its related subviews, shows the natural accumulations that build-up this portion of the tell mound in Phases 85-MZA and 67-MZA, which is almost 2 meter in depth. As for the accumulation below the toposoil layers (relative to Phase 85-MZA), all the accumulations beloning to Phase 67-MZA are mainly wind and water-born accumulations; the top-surface of these natural layers was characterized by compact areas mixed with patches of soft ones, which suggests their exposure to water. While digging these accumulations, different types of pottery sherds have been found, mostly late Mittani in date, periodization that was confirmed from the analysis of the pottery recovered in other excavation units within the tell mound (J01, J02, J06). In the light of these evidence, Phase 67-MZA has been dated to the Late Mittani. In J04 unit, Phase 67-MZA is represented by the following strata: s12, related with the natural accumulations that build-up the tell surface, and s12a, related with the accumulations that represent the tell surface wash and erosion within the same time period (represented for example, by the erosion of stones). In J04 Unit, there are no evidence (at least for what concerns the results of the investigations carried out in this unit during the 2006 excavation season) that the area was in use in the Late Mittani Period (Phase 67-MZA), situation that, apparently, is confirmed by the data recovered in other excavations unit within this portion of the tell mound (such, for example, in J05 and J06 units); on the contrary, activities were carried out in the western part of the tell mound (cfr. A20). nr The build-up of the tell surface, as already mentioned, is almost 2 meter deep; this is clearly visibile in the long N-S section of J04 unit (cfr. v32 and related subviews). The pottery sherds recovered -while removing the accumulations that build-up the tell mound- allowed us to assigne the layers belonging to the first meter of accumulation (corresponding to stratum s5 and its substraum s5a) to Phase 85-MZA, and those found within the meter below (relative to stratum s12 and its substraum, s12a) to Phase 67-MZA. ;(f64 -k74- is dated to Mittani period by pottery analysis (mKB Q903). ;the area was in use in the Late Mittani Period (Phase 67-MZA), which is a similar situation we had in other excavations unit located in this portion of the tell mound (J05 and J06)