.bk J04 .fl U214sC2.j .fd _J04 strata assignment (s14-16 and resp definitions) .ei sC .ed U214 .rd U214 .ri sC s 14-MZA 72,80,81,89,116 Build-up 65-MZA 14a-MZA 89 Build-up 65-MZA 14b-MZA 155 Erosion of natural accumulations 65-MZA 14c-MZA 78,84,152,93,141,144,145,153,159,161,162,112,143,149,142,139,140,171,170 Rebuilding phase 65-MZA 15-MZA 76,79,85,86,96,97,118,119,125,126,156 Scattered use 65-MZA 16-MZA 64,75,163 Minor use of area after bf^2 in J06 65-MZA 16a-MZA 124 Fire after bf^2 in J06 65-MZA 16b-MZA 136,137 Minor use of area 65-MZA ;f155 are two medium large stones resting on top of an accumulation in the SE portion of k73 which is the same of f89. ;64,163: 64 is // to the dump1 of J06; f163 is the ta on top of f64 16b-MZA 136,137 Minor use of area after fire and bf^2 in J06 65-MZA s 14-MZA df Build-up ds Excavations carried out in the 2006 excavation season in J04 unit indicate that this portion of the tell mound -in stratum s14 and substratum s14a - was interested by a gradual build-up due to natural accumulations. It seems that no activities or events took place in s14 and s14a within the area where J04 unit was set, despite of what instead happened, at the same time, in J01 and J02 units. In J04 unit, s14 (and its substratum s14a) is related with those accumulations that were found on top of the structures built in stratum 14c. The gradual build-up within s14 is represented by different feature within J04 unit. s 14a-MZA df Build-up ds As for s14, in s14a J04 unit was interested by a gradual build-up due to natural accumulations. This gradual build-up is represented by the lower portion of f89 in k73. There are no evidence within s14a that can be related with an active use of the area where J04 unit was set. s 14b-MZA ;df Erosion ds Substratum s14b concerns the accumulations related with the tell surface wash and erosion, represented, for example, by the erosion of stones. s 14c-MZA df Rebuilding phase ds Within this stratum, in J04 unit were built different structures, either in mud-brick or stones. These structures, togheter with two tannur installations found on top of two mud-brick walls, are concentrated in few loci (k62, k71, k73 and k83) and indicate that this area of the tell mound was in use in this time period. The nature of the activities carried out in these loci, however, is not clear as yet, since the structures exposed were in very damaged conditions and no particular features have been found while digging in these loci. Furthermore, most of these structures have not been completely exposed (one reason being that most of them have been found at the end of the 2006 excavation season). We can imagine, however, that the activities carried out in this portion of the tell mound, could have been connected either with the sacral area either with small buildings located south, where the J06 unit was set in the 2008 excavation season. It is thought, in fact, that small mud-brick structures or small buildings were possibly located in the south-east extent of J06 unit, although, these are -at present- represented only by their collapse (given by J06 bf^2, and partially by J06 bf^1, please, cfr. description of bf^1 and bf^2 in J06 unit). The supposed structures in J06 unit were dated, on the basis of the pottery recovered, to the Mittani period. The most-complete structure found in J04 unit, instead, the so called 'bin' installation (f93, a2), was found empty, thus the function of this structure is, up to present, unclear. ;62: f84,f151 ;k73: f93,f89, ;E baulk k73: wall without number, ta 152 in stratum 14a ;N baulk k73: f161,f162,tannur f112, ;k73 floor: f153 ;k73 isolated stones: f153 re on f89 ;k73-83: f143 ;k71: f10 s 15-MZA df Scattered use ds This is a period of scattered use in the area where J04 unit was set, especially of the area south to f93, the so called 'bin' installation (cfr. as well a2), probably as a consequence of the brickfall bf^2 (cfr. J06 bf^2). In fact, as the excavations carried out in J06 unit in the 2008-9 excavation seasons indicate, the brickfall bf^2 interested not only the portion of the tell mound where J06 unit was set, but the south portion of J04 unit as well. The only evidence of possible activities carried out in J04 unit whitin this stratum is related with a large pit found in the est baulk of k84 (f136). The pit was very rich in organic material and animal bones, among which an exceptional find was recovered, a complete skeleton of a saluki-dog (i5). ;all features within pit f85,f86: i5,i6 ;item within pit: i5,i6 ;floor surfaces: f76 ;PER pat: J4: seluki pit f86 floor f79, f119, f64 dump s 16-MZA ;df Minor use of area ds This stratum is related with a period of minor activities in J04 unit due to the brickfall bf^2 that interested not only the portion of the tell mound where J06 unit was set but the south portion of J04 unit as well (cfr. s14c and s15). Within this stratum J04 unit was abandonded or not in use, probably as a consequence of the fall of the mud-brick structures located in the south-east portion of J06 unit which interested partially the southern portion of J04 unit as well. In J04 (on the basis of the evidence drawn from the excavations carried out in the 2006) there is only one feature which is cleary relate with the brickfall bf^2; this is related with the topmost portion of an accumulation rich in brick fragments, f121 (which, in its top 70cm, is the same as J06f53 and J06f55). In locus k74, a feature characterized by a hard and compact surface, f64, is most probably part of the topmost surface of bf^2, and is therefore part of what in J06 has been labeled as bf^1 (i.e., the top surface of brickfall bf^2; the label J06 bf^1 has been assigned to those features that, due to a long exposure of the bricks to water and sun, are brickmelt accumulations; for more details on the respective designations, please, cfr. J06 bf^1, bf^2, and related features). The brickfall bf^2, is thought to be the collapse of structures or small buildings located on the east of J06 unit and probably connected to the residencial area C2; their collapse is though to have took place from east to west and, consequently, to have covered the area where J06, J07 and partially J02 units are today located (cfr. J06 s16). s 16a-MZA ;df Minor use of area ds This substratum is related with a fire that is thought to have been spread in all J06 unit just before the brickfall J06 bf^2 (for more information, please, cfr. J06 s16a). In J04, only one feature (f124) an ash-layer, is probably related with this event. We may suppose that within this substratum J04 unit was abandonded or not in use, probably as a consequence of the fall of the mud-brick structures located in the south-east portion of J06 unit which interested the southern portion of J04 unit as well. s 16b-MZA ;df Minor use of area ds In stratum s16b just occasional activities seems to take place within the area where the J04 unit was set; these are represented by a pit and its fill (f136, f137) in k100. Besides this pit, there are no evidence of activities carried out in J04 unit, probably as a consequence of the brickfall bf^2 that interested J06, J02 and the south portion of J04 unit (cfr. J06 bf^2). The pit f136 cuts f121 (as visible in v84c and v91), and its fill is rich of ash and organic material.