.bk J04 .fl U215sC.j .fd _J04 strata assignment (h 63 s18-19 and resp def) .ei sC .ed U215 .rd U215 .ri sC s ;17-MZA 146 Reorganization of the area west to J02 f127 63-MZA 18-MZA 146,147,148,77,154,127 Reorganization of the area west to J02 f127 63-MZA 19-MZA 120,116,166,169 Build-up of the area west to J02 63-MZA ;19a-MZA NO FEATURES // as for J06 or J03 Build-up of the area west to J02 63-MZA 19b-MZA 121,126 Build-up of the area west to J02 63-MZA 19c-MZA 121 Build-up of the area west to J02 63-MZA ;s 17-MZA ;df Reorganization of the area west to J02 f127 ;ds In the Early Mittani period we know that the area west to the so called 'monumental staircase' (J02f130) was under re-organization. Concerning aJ04 area, of the reorganization of a stone wall (f146) with a W-E allignment, and found within two loci (in k83 and k73) toghether with a glacis layers layed on top of the mound N to this stone wall. s 18-MZA ;df Use of North area ds In the Early Mittani period a re-organization of the area west to the so called 'monumental staircase' J02f130 in J02 took place. The re-organization of the space east of the staircase J02f130 and wall J02f129, consists, in the area where J04 unit was set, in the re-organization of a stone wall (f146) with a W-E allignment, found within loci k83 and k73, toghether with a glacis layer that was layed on top of the mound found while digging in k82 and k72. This glacis layer is respectively f77 in k82 and f127 in k72. The glacis layer f77 is the same as f127, and has been labeled with two different feature numbers only because it was found in different moment within two different loci. ;PER J06: in this stratum qui anche f121 e 154; secondo me f121 non è in questo stratum, e floor 154 devo ancora check bene come è, sicuramente è nella stessa fase, non so lo stratum s 19-MZA ;df Continue use of area ds In stratum s19, we assist to a build-up on top of the glacis layer, due to natural accumulations; the build-up followed the slope of the mound (as in the case, for example, of f151 in J06 Unit). There are no evidence -at least for what concerns the information gathered in the 2006 excavation season- of any activity within this time period in the area where J04 unit was set. s 19b-MZA ;df Continue use of area ds In substratum s19b no activities seems to take place within the area where J04 unit was set, which could be -possibly- a consequence of the brickfall bf^2 that interested J06, J02 and the south portion of J04 unit. Within this substratum, J04 unit is interested by a gradual build-up of the tell mound, which does continue in substratum s16c as well. This gradual build-up, in J04 unit, is represented by the upper portion of f121 in k100. ;This gradual build-up is represented by the lower portion of f121 in k100. s 19c-MZA ;df Continue use of area ds Concerning the area where J04 unit was set, substratum s19c is the same as s16b: no activities seems to take place within this area, probably as a consequence of the brickfall bf^2 that interested J06, J02 and the south portion of J04 unit as well. ;JO6 AREA_______s 19c-MZA ;A thick accumulation covers ^glaci s3 and is dated to Mittani. While this accumulation has also traces of use (ashes, floor, lot of pottery and objects), the area was not abandoned but rather in the neighbourhood was activity and intense use, expecially thinking at the area in front of the staircase and north of J6 ;PER PATTY: f151: soft reddish brown and wet organic soil with patches of ash::::::::f151 is the earliest mittani layer we have in J6 and located directly above the third millenium phase;;;;;;we may have a pattern here similar to one we see in J1, that is that Phase h33 is just below Phase h67 and a number of sherds come up in various ways from immediately below. This is my interpretation of why there are a number of early third millennium and Late Chalcolithic sherds in both Mittani strata and mid-third millennium strata. h 63-MZA df Rebuilding Ph ds Phase 63-MZA has been attributed, on the basis of the excavation carried out in the tell mound, to the Early Mittani period. In this period there is a re-organization of the area around the so called 'monumental staircase' (J02f130) located west to J04 area. As part of the re-organization of the space east of wall J02f129, a series of glacis layers were placed on top of the mound, with the result of covering as well wall J02f129; furthermore, large stones were placed on top of the glacis layer. These stones have been defined 'memory' stones on the basis of the thought that they were placed right above the ancient wall (J02f129) previously covered by the glacis layer, with the will of maintaing the memory of the wall 'still running below' but not anymore visible in Early Mittani period. Concerning J04, there are no evidence of structures in use whitin Phase 63-MZA. Within the J04 unit, two are the strata related with this phase: s18, in which some glacis layers were layed on top of the tell mound (as part of the re-organization of the space east to the staircase J02f130 and wall J02f129), and s19, in which no activities seem to take place within J04 unit besides a gradual build-up of the tell mound (in substrata s19b and s19c) as a consequence of the brickfall bf^2 that interested J06, J02 and the south portion of J04 unit. ; three are the strata related with this phase: s17, which concerns the re-organization of the area east to the so called 'monumental staircase' J02f130; we suppose that this re-organization of the space within this portion of the area interested as well J04 unit, but, at present (i.e., as the information gathered at the end of the 2006 excavation season suugest) we do not have any feature we can assigne to this stratum; ;s17---perhaps, the construction of stone walls ;OLD DS OF THIS PHASE: U215_____This phase has been attributed, on the basis of the excavation carried out in the tell terrace, to the Early Mittani period. In this period there is a re-organization of the area around the so called 'monumental staircase'. As part of this re-organization of the space East of wall J02 f129, a series of glacis layers were placed on top of the mound (which covered wall J02 f129), or, large stones were placed on top of the glacis layers right below the wall underneath, as to remember it; we call these 'memory' stones as to indicate that there was a will of maintaing the memory of the ancient wall running below and not visible anymore in Early Mittani period. Concerning J04, there are no structures in use in this Phase. Three are the strata that interests J04 area within Phase 63-MZA: s17, period in which the re-organization of the area east to the so called 'monumental staircase' consists in the re-organizarion or build-up of a stone wall ( f146), s18, period in which in J04 area glacis layers were layed on top of the mound (and this is part of the re-organization of the space East of the staircase J02 f130 and wall J02 f129), and s19, in which J04 area does not seems to be in use (only few and occasional activities seems to take place within J04 area), among which, a glacis floor surface is built, on top of which start a partial buil-up of the terrace mound due to natural accumulation.