.bk J04 .fl U306sC.j .fd ___third CHECK of all ff__140, 151-171, 1-20 .ei sC .ed U306 .ri sC .rd U306 f 140 ev f140 has been assigned to three stones that have been found in the SE extend of the bin; I suppose these stones belong to the line of stones that are visible in the lower portion of the bin, on top of which have been placed the two rows of bricks that made up the bin walls, as visible in t76. For this reason, I consider f140 to be all the line of stones that are part of the bin, as it is cleary visible in v73d. f140.1-3 has been assigned to the three stones still in place in the SE extend of the bin, where, the walls of the bin are melted (f171); f140.1-3 are the small regular-sized stones close to the slighty bigger and rectangular shaped stones, right below f171. f 152 ds f152 has been assigned to a portion of a tannur, broken, of which remains only a large fragments, which is disposed in a oblique way; these tannur fragments were found while removing f63 in k72, very close to the E section of k72, at 300cm N from m4466. f152 could belong to a structure located within k72-k73 or k62; it shares the same elevation as f112, which is a complete tannur found on top of wall f162 in the same locus. f 112 df ta ds f112 has been assigned to a complete tannur found on top of wall f162 in k72. It shares the same elevation as f152, a large tannur fragment found in k72, very close to the E section of the locus, as visible in v76. co dark brown, reddish wm baked clay f 153 tc si 63 el 9101@top el not excavated@bottom ;el 9122@top____è un 12cm più bassa di f162 wm limestone co whitish P99 Not removed in 2006 excavation season f 63 tc co 153 f 154 ;el same as top elevation of f127 in S portion of locus@top el bottom elev has been taken in the S extension of f154@bottom ;el top also bottom of f89 as in t76 f 127 el not excavated@bottom .ri sC .rd U307 ;f 157 ;missing top elev excavated@top f 150 li As said, f150 was characterized by the presence of brick fragments. These were concentrated particulary in a small area close to the N section of k100 (70cm W and 50cm S from r89); a general and a particular view of this part of the feature were taken, but unlucky both viewa are unfocused. The general view is v82, while the tide view on the bricks is v82a; a tide shot was taken to part of the feature where some ash mixed with brick fragments were noticed, v82b. Unlucky, all these photos are not well focused. f 159 nr As for f84, at present it is unclear the nature of this stone wall or stone installation; f159 is located at the same elevation of wall f84 (which is located in the same locus, close to the E section) as visible in v100. Both walls probably belong to some structures in use in a period related with the bin installation (f93, a2) or slightly later. i 4 df projectile point ;ds A35 L_V19d3209 J4v83 Q927 dM nr The copper-alloy projectile point was found close to the NE corner of the locus: v83 shows where it was found within f158. A particular view of i4 was taken as well, but unlucky this is unfocused (v83a). ;f 160 ;nr DIRE CHE ABBIAMO FATTO UN SAMPLE E CHE QUESTA F è STATA RINVENUTA SOLO IN UN PICCOLO CORNER CFR TEMPL 90 f 170 nr The real bottom of f170 has not been reached, since we stop digging in this locus. Therefore, the bottom reported is related with the lower elevation reached in this locus during this excavation season; it has been taken where the lowest brick of wall f170 was visible and does not correspond to the real bottom of the feature. f 10 nr The real bottom given in the elevation description does not correspond to the real bottom of the feature, since we stop digging in this locus and did not removed completely f50. The bottom elevation reported, has thus been taken where the lowest stone of wall f10 was visible. f 162 df w ds f162 is part of the mud-brick wall f161 located in the N baulk of k73, in particular, it is the eastern extent of wall f161. In f162 the bricks are not well preserved; they appear to be melted in the upper portion, while, on the bottom (where f162 abuts the pebble floor f143) some of the bricks and the mortar between them are still visible. We assigned two different feature numbers to this mud-brick wall since we want to differenciate between its 'well preserved'-face (f161) and its melted portion (f162). f 168 ;ex 169 in feature log, ma modificato el 9360@bottom wm clayish f 8 tc co 19 tc co 20 f 14 tc ab 20 f 16 el not excavated@bottom f 17 ; MISSING TOP ELEVATION nr The real bottom given in the elevation description does not correspond to the real bottom of this feature, since we stop digging in this locus. The bottom elevation reported has been taken where the lowest portion of f17 was visible. co reddish brown tx coarse hd very soft ;el not excavated@bottom P99 Not removed in 2006 excavation season f 18 nr The real bottom given in the elevation description does not correspond to the real bottom of this feature, since we stop digging in this locus. The bottom elevation reported has been taken where the lowest portion of f18 was visible within the N baulk of the locus. hd soft co reddish brown tx coarse f 19 ; MISSING TOP ELEVATION wm limestone co white f 20 ; MISSING TOP ELEVATION wm limestone co white