.bk J04 .fl U315sC.j .fd ___check features .ei sC .ed U315 .ri sC .rd U311 f 166 P99 Not removed in the 2006 excavation season f 165 df ta ds f165 is a complete tannur located in the N portion of k80 (r154, r155). The tannur was found right below the topsoil and under a large limestone (f117), as visible in v68b. .ri sC .rd U315 f 63 nr This is a very compact accumulation, with several pottery sherds lying orizontally, which indicate that it could possibly have been a walking surface; however, there are no evidence of active use of the area within this time period. f 30 tx crumble hd soft tx very fine f 34 tx soft and very fine hd hard ;f 37 ;problem bottom elev e q lot___check marker f 44 tx soft hd medium compact co greyish f 45 tx crumble and loose hd very compact co greyish f 51 wm blown soil tx very fine hd very loose co light grey P99 Removed Q826 f 56 hd compact tx very loose and soft f 57 hd very loose and soft f 60 hd hard wm within the soil matrix there are laminations, phytolitics, small stones .ri sC .rd U316 f 121 P99 Partially removed in 2006 excavation season f 123 tx crumble hd soft f 124 ev It could be that f124 is a small shallow pit that has been only partially dug in 2006 and not recognize as a pit since most of it was underneath the N baulk of the locus, and we just uncovered a small portion of it. From v84 and v84a, where f124 is cleary visible in the top-surface, it appears that this feature, considered as a ash layer, could be the fill of a shallow pit. While removing f121, however, was no visible any cut that could be possibly interpreted as the cut of a pit (as visible in v65 and v70). f 126 co reddish-brown hd compact tx very .ri sC .rd U317 f 160 tx very fine hd compact but soft once removed f 161 el 9086 (this is not the real bottom elevation of the f) @bottom nr The bottom elevation reported in the 'Volumetric localization' is not the real bottom of the feature, since we stop digging in this locus; the bottom elevation reported has been taken where the lowest brick of wall f161 was visible. .ri sC .rd U318 f 60 wm soil mixed with phytolitics, some pebbles (small in size) and a lot of pottery sherds hd compact tx very fine f 71 df ad k 84 li Unlucky there are no photos showing k84 before we start digging in this locus at the beginning of the 2006 excavation season. J02t61 shows the mentioned square at the end of the 2004 excavation season, when this area was investigated as part of J02 unit; J02t61 shows the different elevations that characterize this locus. v5a (taken on Q813 by dM), shows -partially- the southern part of k84. k 83 li Unlucky there are no photos showing k83 before we start digging in this locus in the 2006 excavation season. J02t61 shows the mentioned square at the end of the 2004 excavation season, showing the different elevations that characterize this locus. f 89 nr The real bottom of this feature has not been reached, since we stop digging in this locus. Therefore, the bottom elevation reported in the 'Volumetric localization' corresponds to the lower elevation reached while digging f89 but is not the real bottom elevation of the feature. f 100 hd compact tx fine f 101 wm limestone co whitish f 106 wm limestone co whitish f 107 ds f107, a natural accumulation which is the pedestal below a floating stone (f106) was found within f98, the accumulation below stone f20. P99 Not removed in 2006 excavation season hd compact tx fine .ri sC .rd U321 f 97 df animal bones f 96 df animal bones f 112 el not excavated @bottom ;U703 double cfr U315 ;f 99 ;nl In the 2006 excavation season f99 has been assigned to 3 floating limestones located close to the W section of k72: f99.1, f99.2 and f99.3; f99.2 and f99.3 (r73). This was a mistake, since these stones had been already given a feature number (f19.1, f19.2 and f19.3). f99 is instead related with only a large limestone. f99 was found within the pedestal f128 below stone f19.1. f99 was completely embedded within the soil and not visible before we start cleaning f128, the pedestal of stone f19.1. The accumulation below this stone, although being part of f128, has been re-labeled as f129, in order to define the accumulation below it. f129 it is the same as f54 and f60, the accumulations dug whitin k72 previously.