.bk J04 .fl U625sC3.j .fd ___last CHECK of all ff_20---- .ei sC .ed U625 .ri sC .rd U625 a 1 G9 f85,f86,i5,i6 a 2 G9 f93,f143,f171,f161,f162,f112,f140,f152,f171 P99 Not removed in the 2006 excavation season .ri sC .rd U702 f 81 nr The topmost portion of f81 has been attribuited to s1 since it consists of wind-blown soil that build-up in this portion of the locus in the last two years (its topmost portion is a natural accumulation over uncovered excavation from MZ17 in k84); the layer below belongs to Phase 65-MZA, stratum 14, on the basis of the elevation and equivalence with adiacent features. f 95 ph There are no photos related with this feature ;f 126 ;el Assignment based on nature and elevation of accumulation: f126 belongs to s15 in its top 20cm (at this elevation it is the same as f119; while from the elevation of 9011 f126 is the same of the topmost part of f121; this portion of the feature f121 belongs to s16. f 129 df ad .ri sC .rd U704 f 116 nr In the beginning, while digging f116, the feature below the topsoil, we just noticed the presence of small irregular stones close to the NW section of the locus. Being these loose and small stones within the soil matrix, we did not think to attribuite any feature number to the concentration of stones found here. These were, in fact, concentrated in a very small area (very close to the west section of the locus) with the maximum extension being aprox. 40-30cm from the west section toward the south portion of the locus (at aprox. 130cm from the north limit of the locus), and its maxium width aprox. 20-25 in north portion of the locus. We thus continued digging in this locus keeping f116 as main feature within the portion investigated. Whithin the feature description, we take note that some of the stones located in the NW portion of the locus appeared to be bigger size (at the elevation of 94.43), and that, by looking at this portion of the locus from the top, it seemed that these stones followed a line, apparently following the allignment of f10, although, there was an evident gap between the two features (f166 is aprox. 130cm north and 40cm west from the NW corner of the locus, thus, was not connected with the area where f10 was exposed) and besides the fact that the type of material construction was completely different among the two. While going down in removing f116, we found the same concentration of small stones for aprox. 30cm in the same portion of the locus, with the same characteristics, i.e., small loose stones mixed with soil; the concentration of the small stones was very consistent for the top 20cm from the elevation of 94.43, then the stones were fewer in number and the area within the locus where they were found diminuished visibly, and was limited to an area aprox. 100cm north and 30cm west from the NW corner of k70. Later on, while scraping the west section of the locus, was cleary visible that the area where we previously noticed the concentration of small irregular stones seemed to reproduce the same allignment of the topmost face of f10, and thus, we decided to assigne a feature number to the concentration of small stones noticed while digging f116, and still visibile in the section (cfr. 67 and relative subviews). ev f116, is a natural accumulation under the topsoil (f115) in the whole investigated portion of k70; f116 does not extend to the NW portion of k70, where a soil mixed with loose small stones have been found, and labeled as different feature (f166) at home, once we start the check of the field documentation. The feature number to the stones found in the NW portion of k70 has been assigned on the light that: these small stones could be possibly part of the stone installation f10 located in k71 (as visible in v67 and relative subviews) or of a re-arrangment of this stone structure. The arrangment of these small stones reminds that of the line of small and irregular stones exposed in the north baulk of k82 (as visible in v19 and related subviews). ;f 166 ;This feature has very compact surface; it is compact in consistence and is characterized by the presence of small irregular stones mixed within the soil matrix (aprox. 40cm west and 1.30m north from the NW corner of the locus); these are concentrated especially in the topmost surface of f169. ;--- reproduced the same allignment of the f10 below them.