.bk J05 .fl S826lH.j .fd daily journal for S826 and feature descriptions .fn features f173 to f179 .ei lH .ed S826 .rd S826 .ri lH k 103 dy We continued excavating this test probe in order to collect more pottery sherds that might help at the chronological understanding of the staircase, f21. We removed the rest of the granular natural accumulation, f172, which covered powdery natural accumulation, f173. This probe is free of stones, and the sherds collected from it are so few. We covered this locus with plastic bag to protect it from the derts during the night. k 102 dy After we removed the granular accumulation, f171, which used to spread all over this test prob, we found more than fife big limestones. Among the last mentioned stones there is the reddish granular accumulation, f175. We collected small amount of pottery sherds from the accumulation of f175, so we extended the borders of this locus towards the north about 70 cm in order to collect more pottery sherds that might help at the chronological understanding of what we presume the original revetment wall in k12. The soft chunkey natural accumulation of the new part, f176, didn`t give us enough pottery sherds. So we removed one of the big limestones in the middle of this locus to collect more sherds from the reddish granular accumulatin, f178, under that stone. We covered this locus with plastic bag at the end of our excavation day to protect it from the derts during the night. Tomorrow we will put the stone which we removed today back above a plastic bag. k 101 dy After we removed soft powdery accumulation, f170, which covered about three big limestone, we tried to collect more pottery sherds from the soil among the stones, f177. The collected pottery from the soft podery accumulation, f177, wasn`t enough, so we extended the borders of this test probe towards the east about 50 cm in order to collect more pottery sherds that might help at the chronological understanding of what we presume the second millennium revetment wall, f3, in k22 and k23. After we removed the soft powdery naturall accumulation, f179, of the extention of this locus, we found another big limestones which we couldn`t remove any of them. We covered this locus with plastic bag at the end of our excavation day to protect it from the derts during the night. k 32 dy We extended the borders of the triangle at the northeastern corner, f167, about 1 m to the west and 2 to the south. This triangle dimensions which we started to remove yesterday was 50 cm to the west and 50 cm to the south originally. Removing this corner was in order to better view from the panorama which is to the south of J5. That coner used to stand against the stone installation in k23, so it was impossible to see the whole structure without removing it. k 100 dy we removed the eastern part which used to be part of J1. The hight of this part is about three meters from the natural accumulation of f158 which coveres the compact floor accumulation, f169, that coveres the escarpment of the revetment wall in k12. Removing this part was in order to build a staircase that leads from the plaza near the revetment wall in J1 to the additional revetment wall, f3, and the stone structures in J5. k 12 dy After we found out that the sloping compact floor, f169,is not the escarpment, but the floor accumulation which coveres it; we started to remove this accumulation. Alaso we extended our excavationarea toward the south and removed the rest of the natural accumulation of f158 which used to cover the floor accumulation, f169. f 173 ds A powdery natural accumulation in test probe, k103, above the staircase, f21, in k24. It was covered by the granular natural accumulation, f172. It`s free of stones, and the collected sherds from it which might help at the chronological understanding of the staircase, f21, are so few. f 174 ds Volumetric material with trapezoidal shape includes the eastern lower part of k100. It start vertically from the bottom of the floor accumulation, f169, and goes up about three meters. Generally, it has a chunkey texture with brown color. This part of k100 used to be part of J1. Removing this feature was in order to build a staircase that leads from the plaza near the revetment wall in J1 to the additional revetment wall, f3, and the stone structures in J5. f 175 ds Reddish granular accumulation in the test probe,k102, which we opened above what we presume the original revetment wall in k12. It sits among three big limestones. It was covered by the granular accumulation, f171, which used to spread all over the test prob, k102. The collected pottery sherds from this accumulation were so few. f 176 ds Soft chunkey natural accumulation in the extention part of the test probe, k102, which we opened above what we presume the original revetment wall in k12. The extention was in order to collect more pottery sherds that might help at the chronological understanding of the original revetment wall in k12. This accumulation didn`t give us enough pottery sherds. f 177 ds Soft powdery accumulation that located among the stones in the test prob, k101, above the revetment wall, f3, in k22. We excavated this feature to collect more pottery sherds that might help at the chronological understanding of what we presume the second millennium revetment wall, f3, in k22 and k23. The collected pottery from this feature wasn`t enough, so we extended the borders of the test probe, k101, towards the east about 50 cm in order to collect more pottery. f 178 ds Reddish granular accumulatin under a big limestones in the middle of the test probe, k102, which we opened above what we presume the original revetment wall in k12. The accumulations(f171, f175, f176)didn`t give us enough pottery sherds. So we removed one of the big limestones in the middle of k102 to collect more sherds from the feature under it, f178. The collected pottery sherds might help at the chronological understanding of the revetment wall in k12. We will put the stone which we removed back to its place, but above a plastic bag. f 179 ds Soft powdery natural accumulation covered the eastern extention of the test probe, k101, at the top and to the east of the revetment wall, f3, in k22. The extention was in order to collect more pottery sherds that might help at the chronological understanding of what we presume the second millennium revetment wall, f3, in k22 and k23. This feature used to cover big three limestones. f 169 nr We thought that this feature was hard enough to have been an escarpment. However, it contained charcoal sand, and pottery sherds. This means that it`s the floor accumulation above the escarpment but not the escarpment itself.