.bk J05 .fl S913jW2.j .fd Summary of first two weeks of study season and feature descriptions .fn f193 to f199 .ei jW .ed S913 .rd S913 .ri jW -su The focus of the first two weeks of the study period, S831 to S911, has been to complete feature descriptions, complete and edit the feature log, measure coordinates of features that were not clearly understood at the time of excavation, group feaures for specific labels, finish final photographs, prepare templates, and make preliminary assessments of strata and phases represented in this unit. We have also reviewed template and plot entries that will appear in the global record, along the way consolidating files that appear in several places in the computer systems we are using. -sg Over the next two days we will complete the types of contact and Harris matrices in preparation for assigning each feature to a stratum and phase. These assignments must also be justified. After this work we must also review the objects to assure that they have been measured, photographed, and perhaps drawn. f 193 ds A small tapezoidally-shaped cluster of flat stones which are near the threshold of ^ent1 along the southern edge of locus k44 and in the north baulk of k43. Their function, if any, is unknown. f 194 ds An outcropping to the west from the west face of wall, f41, comprising five founded dressed stones and one unfounded stone. It is located to the south of staircase, f21, in the eastern quarter of k33. However, it does not appear to be functionally related to the BA temple entrance, ^ent1. f 195 ds A trapezoidally-shaped natural, mediumly compacted, floor surface between stone installation, f140, on the west and threshold, f123, on the east. It is bounded on the north by stone installation, f108. The southern boundary is less defined, but it may be associated with either stone installation, f19, or the brick floor, f54. It is located in the middle of k14. f 196 ds A pavement or wall top beneath the accumulations upon which stone installation, f49, sit. It is located along the eastern boundaries of k44 and k34, Along the north edge of the best preserved bricks there was a reddish plaster face. To the north of that was a pot smash, q279, and a tannur, f181, which were excavated on the last day, S827. Further exploration will have to be accomplished in a future season. f 197 ds A group of at least 3 dressed stones arranged in a step-like pattern south of the southern border, f20, of staircase, f21, in the northwest quadrant of k23. Originally we thought that they were part of f21, but although they are approximately in line with the steps, the elevations do not match. f 198 ds A section of stone pavement to the east and north of revetment wall, f3, and its capstones, f192. They are in the northeast corner of k22 and many are still covered by accumulation, f5, in k12. There are other patches of similar stonework to the south, f4, and to the east, f6 and f199. f 199 ds A triangular section of stone paving just to the northwest of the intersection of revetment walls, f3 and f189, and wall f186, in k12. Its function is unknown and may range from a single layer floor or decoration, to a substantial corner buttress.