.bk J05 .fl S924jW2.j .fd object descriptions .fn i31, q135.1, q135.2;edited by jW on U207 .ei jW .ed S924 .rd S924 .ri jW q 135.2 ct cv df pl ds Five fragments of a red-edged platter reassembled to form the smaller part of two pieces. Its rim is decorated on the inside with a band of red paint. The larger portion that could be partially reassembled has been designated q135.1. Some fragments remain that do not belong to or link the "halves." wm CH sh Ml 802 de M18 w1 32 w3 12 ht 8 pv cleaned by conservator bA and reassembled under her direction. co redish yellow c# 5YR7/6 nt paint color is 5YR5/6, yellowish red. This is the more complete of the two halves. O99 See item q135.1 for photograph. This item is at the top of the photographs which were taken of the obverse and reverse of the platter sections and fragments. q 135.1 df pl ds Ten fragments of a red-edged platter reassembled to form the larger part of the whole. Also included are seven fragments which could not be incorporated into the re-assembly. Its rim is decorated on the inside with a band of red paint. The other portion that could be partially reassembled has been designated q135.2. wm CH sh Ml 802 de M18 w1 32 w3 12 ht 8 pv cleaned by conservator bA and reassembled under her direction. co reddish yellow c# 5YR7/6 nt paint color is 5YR5/6, yellowish red. Height is estimated. O99 This item is at the bottom (platter) and left side (fragments) of the photographs which were taken of the obverse and reverse of the platter sections and fragments. i 31 df fg ct ca ds The broken forebody of a humped animal. wm cl-baked lg 7.2 w2 4.3 ht 6.2 c# 10YR8/2 co very pale brown cn The front legs, parts of the head, and the hindquarters are missing. ;P2 ZSB 2-21 i 32 ct cv df ja ds whole jar, partially excavated on the last day, and left in situ to be removed and evaluated in a future season. wm ceramic O99 Field photos only. J99 Field measurements only. P99 Remains in situ.