.bk J05 .fl T727sE.j .fd daily journal for T727 .ei sE .ed T727 .rd T727 .ri sE -dy In k105 we continue to remove f209 with the big pick, while in k100 the goal is to find the continuation of the surface with sherds and bones already uncovered in J1f313. This locus will be also important to understand the relation between this surface and the stone-installation f188. Removing f204 a new layer of a sandy material came to light, similar to the ones visible in sections, that shows the presence of water in antiquity. The staff of the unit had a meeting in the field with gB and fAB about the stratigraphy and the possible strata sequence, especially in the area W of the wall f41 and of the staircase f21. In k105 we assigned new feature numbers to a silty layer f212 and to a yellowish lens f214 that cover the ashy f215. We also assigned a new feature number to a floor uncovered in k100, f213.