.bk J05 .fl T731sE.j .fd daily journal for T730 .ei sE .ed T731 .rd T730 .ri sE -dy This morning we drew the northern section of k105 and we photographed it (v163); we gave a new feature number to a soft, sandy soil seen in the western part of the section, f222. In the southern half of the same locus we removed the last part of k214, and we uncovered a patch of a very black ash with few sherds: we gave it a new feature number, f220; in the same area we found also evidence of an old channel that runs SE-NW through f218, and we called it f221 (v162). In the southern section near the western corner now are visible two layers of different soils: the first is black, ashy and very soft (f223) and underneath there is a brownish, harder soil (f224). In k106, we photographed the floor surface f213 (J1f313) completely uncovered, with some patches of reddish soil approximately in the area where the big stone f217 was. Then we started to remove the floor collecting all the bones and the sherds: we found also a figurine of a chariot, i49. We gave new feature numbers to the accumulation under the pavement, f226, and to a new stone-installation, f225: this consists in two more rows of flat stones probably connected with f188, sloping down toward south. From the removal of f226 we found i50, a stone tool.