.bk J05 .fl T802sE1.j .fd daily journal for T802 .ei sE .ed T802 .rd T802 .ri sE -dy This morning we cleaned and photographed both k33 to show the new stone-installations (f231, f232 and f233) and their relation with the hard surface f230, and k106 with the pit-cut f228: v168 and v169. Then we finished removing f229 in the northern part of k33, in order to expose f230, and we moved northward to the height of the second stone and a half of f21. In the western half of the same locus, we removed the last patch of the channel f222, that contained many sherds and bones, and f218. We noticed in the northwest corner of this area a harder, brown accumulation, we gave it a new feature number f234 and removed it. We made a probe under the staircase f21 between the first and the second stone, and we collected few sherds that may help to define the stratigraphy of this area; we have also been able to understand the relation between f21, f41 and f230. At the end, we placed two cement blocks to support the stones: we documented all this phases with views v171, v171a and v171b. In k106, we went on looking for the escarpment f184 removing carefully f158: we found a hard layer, reddish-brown but certainly not baqaya, with some charcoals and ashy spots; in both the southern section and the section of the pit doesn't seem to be any evident trace of f184. We found i52, an almost complete cup, lying between the escarpment and the Early-Dynastic wall f189: this maybe will help to date with certainty f184.