.bk J05 .fl T803sE.j .fd daily journal for T803 .ei sE .ed T803 .rd T803 .ri sE -dy This morning we photographed the new area of excavation (v172) and begun to remove the high southern baulk of k100, in the area east to J1k7.We gave a new feature number to the natural accumulation that was on top of it, f235, and used big picks and a new shafat installed in J1k7 to remove the dirt. In k33, we kept removing f299 from the western half of the locus trying to follow the floor surface f230 already uncovered in its eastern side; we found instead new evidence of a water-course with a softer soil that contains many sherds and small pebbles, f238. It is possible both that f238 cuts f230, or that it covers it: we will investigate this area in the next days. We removed also part of f70 in k34 (a square about 100x100 cm), to have more space to study the relation of the different features in this area and to eliminate a step left from the last year's excavations.