.bk J05 .fl T808jW.j .fd Daily journal for T808 .fn f247-f251, k107 .ei jW .ed T808 .rd T808 .ri jW -wk Fourteen assigned workmen reported. Omo absent to attend to official business in Qamishlie. From today, the workday will start 15 minutes later and will end 15 minutes later because the sunlight at 0500 is insufficient to work properly and safely. k 106 ds A long, narrow locus consisting of the south half of locus, k104. It has a west baulk conforming to the Mozan grid separating it from locus k105 to the northwest. It is bounded on the north by the revetment wall, f189, and on the south by the irregular north face of locus k100. k 105 sg The issue in this locus is to determine how the shape of the architecture of the construction in the periods Early Dynastic through Mittani were influenced by the shape of the preexisting mound in the Late Chalcolithic period. A wall of cut stones, f41, is the key to this analysis. We cannot sink a probe behind it or in front of it because later structures would be damaged. However, we can examine floor surfaces which either abut or whose eastward extensions were cut by later construction. Hopefully the earliest of these floors will have been constructed about the same time as the f41 wall. So far we have removed floor f74, which abutted f41 and contained Mittani ceramics. We have exposed a stepped stone structure, f205, which was covered by f74 in the vicinity of f41. Farther west from the wall, f74 covered an accumulation, f244 over a rough sherd and pebble floor, f246. This floor was roughly horizontal and abuts the second of the f205 "steps." Under and along the southeastern edge of f246 there are two hard surfaces which slope down from east to west. It is possible that these are earlier escarpments to f41. We will expose all of one floor surface before proceeding to excavate the next. Pottery from each floor and its floor accumulation will be sent to mKB for special analysis. f 247 ds A roughly made floor surface of sherds, pebbles and bones which abuts stone installation, f225, and was covered by accumulation, f226. It is similar to several such floors at the same elevation in J1, immediately to the east. It slopes down to the south and its function was probably to divert water flowing along the revetment wall away from its base and escarpment. f 226 tc co f247 f 248 ds This is the accumulation in a test trench, k107, which was dug between the rows of stones of what was originally called f186, which in turn was presumed to be a northen extension of the Early Dynastic period revetment wall, f189. f 249 ds This is a high quality mud and pebble floor surface which abuts stone installation, f225. It is similar to a pebble floor at the same elevation in J1, immediately to the east. It slopes down to the south and its function was probably to divert water flowing along the revetment wall away from its base and escarpment. Sherd analysis indicates that it was built during the Mittani period. f 250 ds Accumulation below floor, f246, and above surface, f251, in the northern part of k105. It is well-sealed by floor, f246 and covers surface, f251. f 251 ds A hard-packed soil surface under accumulation, f250. It slopes down to the west, being the highest surface in k105 to do so. k 107 ds A small rectangular probe between the rows of stones of f186. The purpose was to ascertain whether the space could have served as a water channel.