.bk J05 .fl T808sE1.j .fd daily journal for T808 .ei sE .ed T808 .rd T808 .ri sE -dy In k105 we removed f74 west to the steps of f205, and under a brownish and softer accumulation f244 we uncovered a pebble-stone pavement that may be connected with the third step (f246, v181). In k106, we cleaned the surface f242 and we gave a new feature number to a soft, brown accumulation at its south, probably due to water: f243. Then we removed f226 starting from its easternmost side, and we found a pavement covered with rather big pebbles and bones, f247, that is equivalent to J1f322: we took a picture (v180) and then started to remove it; from the same f226 came i56, a bronze pin. After a meeting on the field with gB and fAB, we decided to enlarge the section of f241 already cut last Thursday, to understand better the relation between it and the escarpment f184. Cleaning the southern section of the escarpment itself, we saw the same alternating layers of gray and red materials already visible in f241, and in particular two rows of flat sherds that separate the three layers at the bottom. Since this may change our comprehension of f184, we will investigate this area in the next days with a particular attention on the pottery, trying to avoid any contamination between feature 184, 141 and the others around. In k100 we are still removing f235.