.bk J05 .fl T810sE.j .fd daily journal for T810 .ei sE .ed T810 .rd T810 .ri sE -dy In k106 we excavated a probe in f184 going S-N to the wall f189, to investigate the nature of the escarpment and to verify the presence of baqaya in it, since the small section cut in f241 in the past days doesn't show any pure baqaya. We removed the different red and gray layers one by one, and they all abut the revetment wall without any internal "core" (v189). We removed all the sherds lying on top of the pavement f242, to avoid any contamination of pottery during the excavation of the next days. In k105 we photographed f246 at the beginning of the day, v185, and after we completely uncovered it, v187. Then we started removing it, and we removed also the accumulation under the pavement, f250: this feature was a fill with many sherds and bones, used to bring at the same level the surface that under it was sloping down probably toward west, to build the pavement f246. In k100, we removed the two eastern and northern baulk, opening the view from the panorama to J1.