.bk J05 .fl T816sE.j .fd daily journal for T816 .ei sE .ed T816 .rd T816 .ri sE -dy In k106 we removed the last portion of f268 in the probe running NE-SW near the section, uncovering the connection between the stones of ^esc1 and the two rows that we begun to see yesterday. These big, flat stones make clearly a corner that goes toward north-west, following the direction of the revetment wall and going under the western baulk of this locus. Then south to this newly uncovered stones we removed f274, that contained many sherds and bones. In the northern area of k105 we removed more pebbles still part of f254, and at the bottom of this feature we found a natural accumulation and two rows of stones: f276 that runs N-S west to the stairs f205, and f277 that runs E-W under the bricks of f255. The two don't have any point of connection or clear corner. South of the brickwall of a11 we removed f259 and we uncovered two more rows of flat and big stones going SE-NW, very similar and possibly still part of f265. South-west of this stones, at the beginning of the morning we begun to find a surface covered with small pebbles, f278, that will be investigated tomorrow. During the day we also draw the western section of k106 (v199), and we removed the two stones of f270 (v198).