.bk J05 .fl T825sE1.j .fd daily journal for T825 .ei sE .ed T825 .rd T825 .ri sE -dy Today in k106 we removed more of f287 to comprehend the nature of f284: we found that the stones are quite big and deep, and have a southern face that may suggest that it is a wall. Between the stones of f284 and the ones of f188 we uncovered three more flat blocks, that seem to be allineated but with a different orientation than the other two installations. In k105 we documented with photos the situation in the northern portion of the locus (v208, v209) and then we removed the last part of a11, f255, and the stones of f277 that appeared to be very big (v210). Then we excavated the accumulation under the bricks and the stones, f285, and we uncovered one more flat limestone block. South of this area we excavated f282 and we found one big stone that can be the continuation of the fourth line of ^esc1, but that slopes down toward west.