.bk J05 .fl T831sE.j .fd q-item descriptions .fn edited by jW on Tx03, U203 .ed T831 .ei sE .ri sE .rd T830 q 436.1 df ds w2 14.4 ht 11.3 lg 20.5 wm li co light yellowish brown cn broken ds Semicircular fragment of a door socket, half of the item is preserved. It has smooth surfaces but rough edges in correspondence of the two breakage lines. A concave depression is in its center, but it doesn't seem to run through all the object. q 442.1 ;ct la df gr w2 16.2 ht 4 lg 15.3 wm basalt co brownish black cn broken ds Fragment of a grinding stone, only the bottom half is preserved. Its surfaces and edges are rough, one side is flat while the other one is convex. Its color is brownish black because of some soil encrustations that are on the basalt stone. q 480.1 df shell w2 3.1 ht 1.6 lg 3.7 cn complete wm sh co orange ds Complete snail shell having an unusual orange color. P99 No storage data as of U216. q 443.2 ;ct organic df cs wm carbon co black ds Untouched specimen of carbon, suitable for use in C14 analysis. O99 Not photographed. q 434.1 df pol ;ct laf cn broken w2 4 ht 3.8 lg 9.2 wm li co dark gray ds Lithic artifact, possibly a tool since its surfaces are very smooth and flat. One extremity is rounded and convex, the other one is broken and rougher. It is made out of basalt. q 465.1 ;ct ca df fg cn broken w2 3.2 ht 3 lg 7.4 wm clay-baked co pale yellow c# 2.5Y 7/3 ds Fragment of an animal figurine. Only the beginning of the right legs are preserved, while both the left legs, the head and the posterior are missing. Its surfaces are smooth but with some small soil encrustations. q 459.1 ;ct ca df fg cn broken w2 4.3 ht 4.5 lg 9.6 wm clay-baked co yellow c# 10YR 7/6 ds Fragment of an animal figurine. It is preserved from the neck to the tail, but the head and the four legs are missing. It has a smooth, unpainted surface; on its underside some finger impressions are visible. q 473.1 ;ct ca df kwr cn broken w2 5.3 ht 2.3 lg 5.3 wm clay co green ds Kiln waster with an irregular shape. q 478.1 ;ct ca df fg cn broken w2 4.2 ht 4.8 lg 4.8 wm clay-baked co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/4 ds Fragment of an animal figurine, only the posterior is preserved. The beginning of the tail and of the two legs are visible, but they are all broken; on the breakage surfaces it is possible to see that the color in its core is gray while the external, smooth surface is pale brown. q 465.2 ;df ca df kwr cn broken w2 9.1 ht 4.6 lg 10.8 wm clay co dark green ds Kiln waster with an irregular shape and sharp edges. One surface is rather smooth and concave, the other is rough and convex. i 61 df we sd ar cn complete w1 0.2 w2 1.2 ht 0.6 lg 6.7 wm bronze co green ds Complete bronze arrowhead, its surface is completely encrusted with soil. q 463.1 ;ct organic df cs wm carbon co black ds Touched specimen of carbon, not useful for C-14 analysis. q 480.2 df bl cn broken w2 1.3 ht 0.4 lg 3.7 wm ob co black ds Fragment of an obsidian blade. Its color is transparent blackand its crossection is triangular. It has smooth, flat surfaces and two sharp edges. q 443.1 ;ct ca df bk cn broken wm clay co pale brown c# 10YR 6/3 ds Three fragments of unbaked mud bricks, the biggest is 7.4 cm long, 12.3 cm wide and 7 cm height. They all have finger impressions running vertically through one of their external surfaces. q 299.3 df sl cn broken w2 2.9 ht 2 lg 3.2 wm clay co black ds Piece of sealing clay without seal impression. It has an irregular shape and smooth, rounded surfaces. q 189.1 df ca cn broken w2 5.6 ht 4.6 lg 6.4 wm clay co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/3 ds Fragment of an unknown clay artifact. It has an almost triangular shape, with two flat surfaces that join on top and one smooth, concave surface at its bottom. It has also some soil encrustations. q 385.2 df hb cn broken w2 6.1 ht 0.9 lg 8.1 wm bn co yellowish brown ds fragment of a human skull. P99 Moved to Physical Anthropology Lab for storage and analysis in a future season. q 55.2 ;ct ca df ca cn broken w1 2.8 w2 1.5 lg 2.8 wm clay co reddish yellow c# 5YR 7/6 ds Fragment of a clay artifact, possibly the foot of a vessel or less likely a part of a figurine. It has a conical shape but the top is broken, the surfaces are very smooth and the edges rounded. The base is slightly concave. q 184.3 df cl cn broken wm clay co pink c# 7.5YR 7/4 ds Two clay lumps forming an unknown clay artifact. The dimensions of the bigger one are 3.6x2.5x1.3 cm, of the smaller are 2.9x1.8x1.2 cm. They have irregular shape but smooth surfaces, the smaller seems to have a hole or a depression in the center. q 232.5 ;ct cv df sherd cn broken w2 4.9 ht 1.3 lg 5.9 wm ceramic co black and white ds Fragment of a Mittani sherd. It has a black and white painted decoration that shows part of the typical Mittani bird design. q 12.3 ;ct cv df sherd cn broken w2 3.3 ht 0.9 lg 4.6 wm ceramic co black and white ds Fragment of a ceramic vessel. From its painted decoration it has been dated to the Halaf period. q 25.3 ;ct cv df sherd cn broken w2 5.6 ht 1.3 lg 6 wm ceramic co pale yellow c# 2.5Y 7/3 ds Fragment of a rim of a ceramic vessel. It is not painted, but both on its smooth, concave, external surface and on the rim itself there are some cloth impressions. q 83.2 ;ct cv df sherd cn broken w2 4.6 ht 1.9 lg 6.3 wm ceramic co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/4 ds Fragment of the top of a ceramic vessel (the rim is broken but recognizable). It is not painted, but it has some decorations in relief, possibly some animal figurines. q 367.1 df ca ;ct ca cn broken w1 2.9 w2 3.2 lg 2.7 wm clay co very pale brown c# 10YR 8/4 ds Fragment of a clay object, probably the foot of a vessel or less likely a part of a figurine. It has a conical shape with a broken top, the bottom surface is concave. All the surfaces are smooth and the edges are rounded. .rd Tx03 .ri jW q 483.1 ;ct ca df sb cn broken into pieces lg 5.5 w2 3.0 wm clay co blackish brown (burned brown clay) ds Eight fragments of a burned clay slingball which was found on an EDIII pavement during a stratigraphic review. We do not know if the ball was part of the floor, the deposit above it, or fell onto the floor from a higher stratum. nm Measurements are approximate, having been made from a partial assembly of the pieces. P99 No storage data as of U216. .rd T729 .ri eA q 267.3 ;ct ca df fg ds half of an animal figurine which was excavated in MZ21 (2008-S) and recorded in MZ22 (2009-T). lg 5.5 ht 4.7 w2 4.3 wm clay-baked co tan O99 No photograph in record. K99 No field data in record. q 69.1 df chariot ds fragment of broken chariot containing part of the axle assembly. nt no laboratory data recorded before storage. q 70.2 df fg ds fragmented section of the posterior part of an animal figurine nt no laboratory data recorded before storage. q 80.2 df bd-c ds clay bead with hemispherical top and flat bottom. nt no laboratory data recorded before storage. q 125.1 df cl ds flatttened piece of clay with somewhat semicircular shape. nt no laboratory data recorded before storage. ;q 806.1 ;df wh ;ds Fragment of a clay wheel, halved along the vertical axis. Most of the circumference is broken away. ;wm clay-baked