.bk J05 .fl V610jW.j .fd Specific label assignments .fn ^a3-^a5, -flr2 .ei jW .ed V610 .rd V610 .ri jW ;^ flr2 a 714 >l f45 >l f60 >l f70 >l f102 >l f128 >l f122 >l f124 >l f127 df ad ds This label collects a series of natural accumulations (some loess and some water deposits) leveled, then compacted by foot traffic, to form the floors for the sacred plaza located to the west of the monumental staircase that was associated with the Mittani period western extension of the entrance to the BA temple. Where the deposit was loess, the surface is hard and the texture when picked is chunky. Where the deposit was from rain runoff, the entire mass is uniformly soft and sandy. ;^ a3 a 702 >l f9 >l f16 df ad ds This label collects a series of accumulations from just below the topsoil to the last Mittani period soil feature before abondonment. Generally, the accumlations are uniform in color (reflecting their loess content) and contain a series of crusty laminations with soft spots caused by roots and animal burrows. In total, the deposits cover the Mittani ruins to a depth of approximately one meter. ;^ a4 a 703 >l f1 >l f2 >l f15 >l f18 >l f32 >l f55 >l f56 >l f104 >l f105 >l f117 >l f118 >l f134 df ad ds This label collects topsoil, a surface accumulation that supports the growth of vegetation. Generally, not more than 10cm deep, it contains the roots of living grasses and plants as well as decayed vegetative matter, which adds a darker brown color to the normally light grayish brown hue of loess. ;^ a5 a 704 >l f64 >l f67 >l f96 >l f103 >l f107 >l f110 >l f132 >l f133 >l f153 >l f156 >l f159 >l f160 >l f162 >l f235 df vm ds This specific label collects the soil layers that are excavated typologically as a unit rather than stratigraphically, as is the usual case. It most often arises in the removal of baulks, where clearly the accumulations on one side match the other, and no more objects are needed to establish their stratigraphic sequence. Occasionally, for example in the excavation of locus k100, one layer was deep, uniform, and well understood so removed as one unit, f110.