.bk J06 .fl S813pC.j .fd daily .rd S813 .ri pC .ed S813 k 74 dy Today we removed the remaining part of the brickfall above the glacis f107. we assigned a new feature number to this part of the brickfall, being just 10 cm above the glacis: f123 is more compact and bricky, with some charcoal and a lot of pottery. We found at the beginning of the day, in the North-East part of k74, just above the glacis, two Early Dynastic seal impressions (i8 and i9). The pottery is mostly Mittani but with some earlier sherds mixed (mKB). While exposing the glacis, Su'ar found a floor pavement made of sherds. It seems to be just above the glacis and probably was made by people walking by: 2 m to the North there is the bin, which was dated mittani, therefore the floor could be linked to activities in the bin. We are very closed to Khabur and probably the glacis is dated to Phase 5. In J4 was found a floor J4f154, located South of the glacis J4f127. J4f127 is the same glacis as f107 and probably J4f154 is the same floor as in k74. In J4k100 was excavated f121, which was at the elevation of 8996@top a hard surface, which is probably the same glacis as f107 and f63 in k84 (8974@top), considering the slope toward South f 118 ds is the glacis that covers all k84, k85, k74, k75: it is a compact and hard surface, characterized by some sherds lying flat, small calcite pebbles and by having a slope towards South and South West. Was covered by the brickfall. It is the same glacis as J4f127 k 86 dy today we reached the level of the brickfall which is f124. The first pickrun collected a lot of pottery, also big sherds (a mittani conical cup). f 124 el 9052@top ds the top of the brickfall, characterized mostly by bricks and is soft and crumbly. The first pickrun was full of pottery f 123 ds f123 is the brickfall same as f103. The difference is that f123 is located above the glacis f107. It has a hard surface but when removed it was dark brown and softer. co dark brown