.bk J06 .fl S826pC.j .fd daily S825, s826 .rd S825 .ri pC .ed S826 .ei pC -dy Yesterday we excavated in k85 the baulk f161 and in k84 we finished to remove the west baulk f162 till the red layer f164, where we exposed stone f163. We then dig f164 in a small trench inside k84 k 85 dy removed the west baulk f161 which consists in natural accumulations (f148, f154, f158) k 84 dy removed the West baulk following the stratigraphy: the top feature is the glacis f156, same as f63; underneath we found a floor surface f157, characterized by a compact surface and many sherds lying flat: probably is the same as f135 in k85 and f140 in k84; under it were only natural accumulations f160, until we get to a red-brownish layer more wet and compact, which is f164: this layer is the same as J4f150 and is a intensive red-orange bricky layer, with sharp boundaries on the upper and lower part. There are some ashy thin layers and all f164 is sloping South-East. we found it also in k84 and we give the same feature number. f164 was covering a stone f163, which is a nice smooth stone and seems in its originary position embedded in f164. f164 was difficult to find, because the accumulation above it, same as f151, is very wet and similar in consistence to f164; therefore we missed part of it, expecially while excavating f151 in k84. We looked in the north section and was clear that we cut the first 15 cm of it. We decided to dig a trench in the eastern part of the square to see it from the section. f164 slopes towasrd South and stops in the northern part of k84. In the East section of J4kf150 (same as f164) is 1 meter thick and slopes sharply South, and were is this sharp slope it became thinner and then disappears in k84. This layer is probably a kind of fill or escarpment located east to the wall f129 in order to protect it and it abuts it (we do not see this contact, but it is obvious that f164 starts on the eastern side of f129). The pottery analyzed from f164 was mostly phase h33 with some sherds phase h23 .rd S826 k 85 dy we removed the north baulk in all one feature f168, which consists in natural accumulations. This baulk was very important because the layers are flat in opposition to the northern portion of k84 were the layers are at 45° slope (see f164). This section marks the beginning of the change in the stratigraphy and therefore we took several pictures of it showing the difference with the West baulk of k84 and J4k100. k 84 dy Today we removed f101, which is a concentration of stones in front of the wall f130. Before removing it, there were only 3 stones visible, but when we removed the west baulk of k84, came out other stones belonging to the same feature. f101 is not floating stones but is a wall consisting in 13 stones of different dimensions and quality, which join to each other; we decided to make 3 q-items for 3 stones (stone f101.2, f101.3, f101.4) q276.1, q276.2, q276.3, because this stones were very smooth in one side. We decided to remove f101 because we were removing the west baulk of k84, and doing this we saw that this stones were a kind of 'memory stones' of the wall f130 and covered it. To understand if the wall f130 continues to the East and what kind of construction is, we had to remove f101. Was also useful to date f101 and to understand that is a mittani wall (the pottery between the stones was mixed but mostly mittani). Under the stone f101.9 we fond a nice stone Early Dynastic II seal i17 (v102). we removed the stones with the help of Mohammed Omo and of the crane. some of the stones were partly broken and therefore when they collapsed they broke up in many pieces. We decided to have two different feature number for the pottery: f170 is the pottery found between the stones, and which dates wall f101, instead the pottery found in front of it belongs to a mixture of features and is f169. in front of stone f101.13 there is a floor surface f171 (v108) Once removed all the stones of f101, we found two stones, probably not belonging to f101, therefore we decided to leave them and check tomorrow. One of theese stones is oblique and has a white bluish color. The other stone is layed flat and is in front of f130. Could probably belong to a structure South of the wall f130, to which belongs also the oblique stone f100. -sg Today we removed wall f101 and we begin to remove the southern stone of f127, which is the memory stone of f129. we had to remove it because it covered the stones f101. We removed each stone after relay it and photograph it. Most of the stones were not visible from the section, and therefore we had more stones as we expected. We decided to remove f101 because we wanted to have a date for it (mittani) and to see the wall f130, which instead is a well constructed wall dated to phase h23. .rd S827 .ed S827 -dy Today we removed the North baulk of k87 f175. We finished to remove the North baulk of k85 f162 and f168, which are the same feature. We then dig only in k84 and we exposed f174, which is a floor surface south of wall f130. Today all the relays and elevations were taken by hB. Today cVP continued to dig in k74 wall f166 k 84 dy Today we first removed f176, which is the remaining part of the accumulation under the stones f101 in the west baulk of k84. We then expose f171, a floor in front of stones f177 and f100, which abuts them; it is located at 8851@top. We found a bronze pin i19 and a bronze spatula i21 in this floor. We remove it all to expose all the stones in front of wall f130 and to expose the floor surface f183. f183 was covered by f174, which is a brown reddish accumulation, mixed with f164, which gives an orange coloration to the feature. f183 is a compact surface sloping south with some sherds lying flat and was found just under f174. We expose it exerywhere in k84. While removing f174 in front of wall f130, we found directly on the stone a bronze nail i20. To expose the East face of wall f130 we decided to cut back the west section of k84. We remove it in feature: first we removed the brickfall f179, then we exposed f180, which is the same as J4f121. at the top elevation of f180, was found a thin layer of ash, which slopes toward South, following the slope of f180. We then removed f181, the top of the equal to J4f150. It is reddish and has patches of the orange of f164. It has two top elevations: the Western is 5 cm higher then the eastern part. Under it we removed f164, the reddish orange fill aganist wall f129, dated to phase h33 by the pottery. We decided to make a small trench in front of stone f177 and f100 in order to expose as much as possible of the two oblique stones. This trench is k102 k 102 ds it is a small trench in the western part of k84, in front of stones f100 f177. The purpose of this trench was to expose the two stones and to date them with more surfaces correlated to them dy today we opened k102 and we dig first f183, which is a floor surface. once removed had patches of orange, very similar to f164 and next to the stones was much harder and compact and is located directly under f164. We exposed under it a floor surface f184, characterized by sherds lying flat. This floor abuts stones f100 and f177 (v114) and covers stone f187. f 166 lc k74 f 167 lc k74 df ly el 8989@top f 168 lc k85 df ld el 8830@top P1 S826 ds f168 is the last 20 cm in North baulk of k85 same as f158 f 169 lc k84 df ad ds accumulation located in front of wall f101. It is a soft dusty accumulation which has been treated as a baulk, being only a small portion just aganinst the stones f101. nr we do not have the elevation of this feature, but it is almost located at the same elevation of f162 f 162 lc k84 df ac el 8862@top A1 f151 f 170 lc k84 df ad ds soil and pottery located between the stones f101. It is mixed but mostly mittani. we found an ED II seal i18 P1 removed S826 tc si f101 f 101 P1 S826 df w ds It is a wall located South of wall f130 and consists in 13 stones different in dimentions and are probably reused stones. The top stones are located under the southern stone of f127. Some of them are large and well bounded to each other. Between the stones there is lot of soil, small pebbles and pottery (f170). It probably was connected to wall f152, which is just 2 meters south of it and located at the same elevation pr We decided to remove f101 because covered wall f130. while we were removing the west baulk of k84, we expose more stones and we recognize that f101 was not floating stones but a wall, probably a memory of the wall f130 and the oblique stones under it f177 and f100. While exposing and removing it, some of the stones were very smooth on one side, therefore we decided to make a q-item to some of them (stone f101.2, f101.3, f101.4 is q276.1, q276.2, q276.3) ns wall f101 is a late Mittani rebuilding of the wall f130. The brickfall and the latest glacis abuts it, while several natural accumulations dated to Mittani for the pottery abut it. This building phase goes together with the memory stones f127. tc ab f130 f 171 lc k84 df fb el 8877@top el 8823@bottom ds a floor surface, hard and with some sherds lying flat, located in front of stones f178, f177, f100 and wall f130. It is a floor related functionally to this stones and wall. tc ab f177 tc co f174 f 172 df mx lc k84 f 173 lc k200 ds it is the pottery coming from the shaffat and created to collect the objects coming from it. it has no stratigraphic importance and is related to findings found in k84 and k85 f 174 df ab ds f174 is located above f183. It is equal to f151 and is a reddish brown wet soil tc co f183 el 8823@top f 164 lc k84 df glacis ar f164 is very thick and high to the North, in j4k100 (J4f150) and slopes sharply South. In k84 instead becomes thinner and stops sloping; at the end in mixes with a brown accumulation. sm f164 is the fill located East of wall f129 and is a red orange granular soil; the main characteristic is that slopes sharply to the South, beginning in a thick compact band and finishes in the range of 3 meters in a thin horizontal layer (f174). The purpose of this fill is still not clear: a probable explanation is that is in function to protect wall f129 ns f164 is dated to Pase h33 for the pottery and is later than wall f129. We still do not understand whether wall f129 was a free standing wall in the time of its construction and only after a couple of centuries they added f164 to protect it, or there was a cut that removed what was aganist and contemporary to wall f129. tc ab f130 tc ab f129 f 163 lc k84 el 8836@top pr once exposed it we thought was a stone belonging to wall f130, but once removed the soil to the West, we saw that was a floating stone. It was covered by f164 f 175 lc k87 df ld ds f175 is the North baulk of k87: it is mostly the brickfall el 9032@top f 176 f 176 df ac el 8849@top ds the soil and the pottery located between stones f130 and stone f100, f177 tc ab f177 tc ab f130 f 177 lc k84 df st ds a large rough oblonged lime stone, located oblique and aganist wall f130, the upper part joins to wall f130 and for this reason there is a hole betwheen the stones in f130 to permit the location of it. It has the same function of oblique stone f100, which is located to its left side tc bo f130 wm li f 178 df st lc k84 el 8854@top P1 removed s827 ds it is a stone, probably collapsed from wall f130 and is located just in front of f130 tc re f171 f 179 df bf ds the brickfall located in the West section k84. It abuts wall f127 and covers the glacis f180 tc co f180 lc k84 el 8977@bottom f 180 lc k84 df glacis ds the glacis under the brickfall in the West section of k84; it abuts wall f127 and is the same glacis as f63 in k84 and is the same as J4f121 el 8977@top el 8922@bottom tc co f181 f 181 df ab lc k84 ds f181 is the same as f151 and is the same as the top of J4f150. It is a reddish brown soil, which slopes south-East el 8922@top tc co f164 f 185 lc k84 df mx ds it is the cleaning of the East section of k84 and J4k100 f 183 df aa el 8807@top lc k102 ds the soil located just above the floor surface f184: it is more compact and hard next to stones f177 and f186 pr while removing f174 we wanted to expose the reddish orange layer f164. We believed that it was the soil covering it and therefore we gave a different feature number. Once it was dry and looking in section, it was clearly f164. f164 in the South portion of k84 is very thin and slopes a bit South. tc ab f177 tc ab f100 tc co f184 tc co f186 f 184 df fb el 8804@top lc k102 ds the floor located in front of the obelisk f177 and f100. The surface is highly compacted and hard and there are sherds lying flat. ns is the first of a series of 3. millennium floors located in front of the monumental access: at this time the area in front of it (what we call plaza) was characterized by intense activity: see the section w109, where those floors are clear. f 186 df st lc k102 ds a stone located East to obelisk f177 and it is in line with f177 and f100, South of wall f130. Could be a floating stone or a stone related to the other obelisk. .ed S819 .ei dH q .rd S819 .ri eA 241 p 146 86 290 cm 100 cm m4973 59 149 removed baulk 242 p 144 87 m4975 18 162 243 p,b 135 85 m4982 124 144 244 p,b 141 84 m4990 88 163 245 p,b 143 87 m4975 0 169 246 p 135 85 r302 150 cm W 400 cm S m4982 124 144 new, because bag is full .ri pC 247 p 110 85 m6018 150 cm E 350 cm S m6018 135 156 248 p 148 85 m4982 130 cm w 400 cm S m4982 125 156 ad under floor f135 249 p 142 84 m4988 188 cm S 273 cm E m4990 121 156 .rd S824 .ri pC 269 p 160 84 m6021 120 cm W 280 cm S m6021 100 155 W baulk 270 p b 161 85 m6081 120 cm W 280 cm S m6018 119 154 W baulk .rd S825 .ri eA 271 p 162 84 m6021 120 cm W 280 cm S m6021 89 174 W baulk 272 p b 164 84 m4988 0 174 W baulk 273 p 164 84 m4990 245 cm E 330 cm W m4990 9 156 274 p 165 84 m6030 110 142 N baulk removed