.bk J06 .fl S827hQ.j .fd q-item description .ed S827 .ei eA .rd S827 .ri hQ q 105.1 df sm ds two pieces of ancient cement, with one flat surface. wm cement ht 11 lg 10.5 co pale yellow c# 5Y 8/2 cn broken q 245.1 df kw ds pieces of kiln waste, green with bubbles. wm cl ht 5 lg 9 w1 4.5 co green cn broken q 218.3 ct la df ds ds a fragment of a door socket. wm li ht 15 lg 13 w1 9 co pale yellow cn broken q 218.4 ct la df ds ds one half of a complete door socket. wm li ht 13 lg 17.5 w1 7.5 co pale yellow cn broken q 218.6 df gr ds a piece of grind stone, triangular in shape. wm li ht 14 lg 21 co gray cn broken. q 218.5 df gr ds a piece of grind stone; one surface is flat and the other is concave, it looks like half of the main piece. wm li ht 9.5 lg 15 co gray q 212.1 df kw ds six small pieces of kiln waste. wm cl ht 3.5 lg 6 co green cn broken q 234.1 df kw ds one piece of kiln waste. wm cl ht 3.5 lg 6 co green cn broken q 230.1 df gr ds a piece of grind stone with rounded and flat base. wm li ht 9.5 lg 16 co gray cn broken. q 234.2 df bd ds it is a clay artifact circular in shape and with a hole in the center, this hole is narrow in the upper part and wider on the other side, with both sides flat. perhaps it was used as a spindle. wm cl w1 2.3 co pale yellow c# 5Y 8/2 cn broken q 237.1 df fg ds it is an animal, it could be a dog .The fragmentary piece preserves portions of the legs, neck and snout. wm cl ht 2 lg 2.6 w1 2 co olive c# 5Y 5/3 cn broken q 237.2 df sl ds it is a sealing with a circular shape on one face there is a string impression and the other face is convex. wm cl ht 5 lg 4.5 w1 2 co yellowish red c# 5YR 5/8 q 277.3 df gr ds a small piece of a grind stone. wm li ht 3.2 lg 9 co gray cn broken q 227.5 df gr ds a piece of grind stone wm li ht 4.3 lg 15.3 cn broken q 227.1 df gr ds a piece of grind stone. wm li ht 8.2 lg 9.8 co gray cn broken q 227.4 df kw ds a piece of kiln waste with a globular shape, one face is smooth surface and the other with a lot of holes . wm cl ht 4.1 lg 5.2 co green cn broken q 223.1 df bl wm li ds a flint blade ht 2 lg 2.7 co light bluish gray cn broken q 223.2 ct la df pestle ds a quarter part of a pestel wm li ht 6.7 lg 3.8 co black cn broken q 231.1 df bl ds An obsidian blade with parallel sides and regular scars running on its back parallel with the sides. the blade has a core of elgonated shape, all the sides are flat. wm ob ht 4.1 lg 1.4 co black cn complete q 224.1 df uk ds it has a conic shape , it could be a slag. ht 3.1 lg 1.4 co black cn complete q 233.1 df cs ds a piece of carbon. ;wm cs co black q 237.3 df bl ds a fragment of flint blade, with one flat face and the othe is convex with a vertical line in the middle. wm li ht 4.6 lg 4.2 co reddish gray c# 10R 6/1 cn broken q 232.3 ;df sm ds a lot of carbon pieces. df cs co black q 238.2 df bd ds a fragment of perforated quartz bead, triangular in shape. wm li ht 0.8 lg 0.7 co light brown cn broken q 238.1 df bl ds a small fragment of obsidian blade wm ob ht 0.7 co black cn broken q 251.1 df fg ds perhaps the upper part of an animal figurine, it consists of four portions. wm cl ht 5.5 w1 2.6 co yellowish red c# 5YR 5/8 cn broken q 258.2 df bd ds fragment of a stone bead, cylindrical in shape with hard surface. wm li w1 0.7 co greenish gray. c# 6/1 cn complete q 254.2 df bl ds a flint blade, concave in shape. It has one flat surface and the other three sided face. This blade has two worked edges. wm li ht 1.7 lg 3.4 co reddish brown c# 2.5YR 5/4 cn complete q 260.4 df kw ds a small piece of kiln waste. wm cl ht 3.1 lg 3 co dark gray c# 2.5Y 4/1 cn broken q 261.3 df bl ds a fragment of a stone blade, one side is flat and the other is carved.This stone is white while the vein is black. wm li ht 2.1 lg 4.3 w1 0.8 co gray and black cn broken. q 260 i 15 df bd ds a lot of lengthend frit beads, some are white and the other are light greenish gray. wm gl ht 0.6 lg 3.3 co white and light greenish gray. c# 8/1 cn some are complete and some are broken. q 260.5 ct ca df bd ds a complete perforated ,lengthened frit bead, with a hard surface. wm gl ht 0.6 lg 3.3 co light greenish gray c# 8/1 cn complete q 260.3 df kw ds a piece of kiln waste with hard surface and a three partite shape almost like T shape. wm cl ht 3.4 lg 2.7 co olive c# 5Y 4/4 cn broken q 260.2 ct la df se ds it is an unfinished cylinder seal with no inscription. The base is oblique and on the upper part it has a hole. wm li ht 3.1 lg 1.6 w1 1.4 co very pale yellow. c# 10YR 7/4 cn complete .ed S830 .ei hQ q 261.1 df fg ds The head of horse figurine, the muzzle is lengthen and the nose is inscribed like a circular hole,it has two protruding eyas and ears. One of the ears is broken and part of the mane is broken too. wm cl ht 3.2 lg 3.7 co oliv yellow c# 2.5YR 6/6 cn broken. q 245.2 ct la df uk ds a black rectangular stone sharpener; one of the edges is flat and sharp, the other is sloping and not so sharp while the other two sides are rounded. The upper and the lower surfaces are smooth and flat but the edges are not. wm li ht 4.9 lg 10.9 w1 2 co very dark grayish brown c# 10YR 3/2 cn broken