.bk J06 .fl T815yM.j .fd daily journal and feature description .ed T815 .ei yM .rd T813 .ri yM -dy today we continued removing the fill of the pit f192 in k82 using the big pick now that we can see the limits of it. we also emptied the ashy lens f278 also in k82. excavating the pit fill further to the north we came across what looks like another pit f283, more circular in shape, after removing the fill f282 from inside of it we saw that it is more shallow that the pit f199 and it also cuts in to the red glacis f164. last thing we did in k82 was reaching f200 and uncovering new small stones on top of the wall f227 that they are going to be further excavated on Saturday. In k106 which is the number assigned to the new locus in front of the obelisks f177 and f100, we removed the flat laid sherds of the pavement and then we removed the layer that was laying underneeth. tomorrow we will continue going down in that square until reaching by the end of the season the salmon layer that we can see in J02 and that we think it is associated with the construction of the staircase and the apron. In k105 we removed top soil f281 and we scraped the section. Then we removed the floor surface under it f285 that was partially covering f284 that slopes down towards the south east. While removing this feature we found a seal impression that we made in to an item i28. tomorrow we will continue going down in that area. f 281 ds it is the top soil layer that we assigned to the natural accumulations in all k105 (wich is the north portion of k84): it was exposed all the winter and therefore we labeled it top soil. f 282 ds it is the feature assigned to the pit fill located in k82 to the north of pit f199. The materials and soil found are very similar to the first fill f192 of pit f199. the soil was very brown, wet and contained lots of roots and phytoliths. f 283 ds It is the second pit cut located in k82 to north from the first pit f199. it has more of a circular shape but it’s smaller and more shallow. This pit also cuts f275. f 284 ds floor under top soil f281 in k105. It is a very compact surface that has a very strong brown color. Once was removed the soil came out in very big chunks that crumble to very fine soft but wet sand. It also contained a lot of phytoliths and gypsum; we also found a seal impression i28. This feature was overlaid in the southern part by an accumulation layer f285. by removing this accumulation layer we uncovered the surface of f284 that slopes down in the southern part towards the south. f 285 ds a natural accumulation in k105 that was overlaying the southern part of f284. it is a very crumbly and fragile surface that flecked out very easley once was excavated. f 286 ds accumulation layer in k106 in front of obelisks f177 and f100. it is a very hard, dry flaky surface that contained a number of flat laid sherds and some small pebbles. f 288 ds it is the pit fill in k82, probably same as f192 but we decided to give it a new number because it is slightly different due to the act that it contained mixed materials and some natural accumulations but other wise its almost the same as f192, it was soft, ashy, wet, contained lots of sherds, roots, carbon and clay lumps that possibly has seal impression on them. f 287 ds It is a natural accumulation layer under f284 in k105. it consisted of the same material as f284 but is slightly harder and more dry. This feature is also sloping down in the southern part of it to the south just like f284 and it also contained a lot of small carbon pieces. f 289 ds It is a floor surface in k105 under f287. it is a very compact surface. The soil that brakes in large chunks is very wet and soft. f 290 ds it is a highly compacted surface in k105 under f289. it has a disincentive brown color. The surface is so hard to scrape and remove but the soil ones its removed with the pick it becomes very soft and fine but very wet also with some ashy materials. This feature contains roots, phytoliths, and a good amount of carbon. dy By removing this feature, we are now at the level of the old sounding of J4 (J4k100). f 291 ds accumulation in k106 that was covered by f286 which is also an accumulation layer. This feature has less pottery in it and its slightly harder then the previous one f286 but more flaky and dry. tc co f292 f 292 ds accumulation in k106 under f291. it is much softer then the previous one. pr in k105 we found several layers/surfaces with the same characteristics and are very thin (ca 5 cm) found one after the other (f291, f292 f 293 ds it is a lens in f200 in k82, located directly on top of wall f227. its consistent of a huge number of sherds ar probably it is a dump that together with f200 comes from a near by kiln and was discarded in this area. The sherds are mostly over fried or badly backed. f 294 ds located in k105. it is a piece of baulk remaining next to the north section of k105. We removed this small baulk as one feature collecting the sherds as a mixed pottery. k 105 dy today we continued going down in the eastern part of the locus trying to reach the level of the late calcolithic sounding. In order to do that we removed f289 which is a floor surface under f287. this floor surface is highly compacted and breaks off in big chunks that crumbles in to soft wet soil. This feature like the one previous to it is also sloping down in its southern part towards the south. After finishing the removal of this feature we removed the feature below it f290 which is so similar to the previous one but contains ashy material and lots of roots, phytoliths and pieces of carbon that w collected. This feature has a very strong brown color, and by removing it we now reached the level of the late calcolithic sounding. The last step we did to day was removing the remaining part of the eastern part of k105 which is a small baulk north the LC sounding and south of the northern section in k105. we removed it also to the level of the LC sounding as one feature f294 and we collected the pottery as a mix. k 106 dy in k106 we went down further more removing an accumulation layer f291 which was hard, flaky and dry. It was a thin layer covering the next layer of accumulations f292 which is a much softer layer that broke I to fine sand ones hit with the pick. This layer was much thicker then the previous one f291 but still a part of the many living floors that we have in that area. Tomorrow we will continue going down until we reach the salmon layer that we are connecting to the staircase and apron constructing period. We should reach that goal by tomorrow.