.bk J6 .fl U919mKB .fd description and date of ceramics .ei mKB .ed U919 .rd U919 .ri mKB f 88 I12 On reviewing the ceramics from this feature I have concuded that it is Mittani not Middle Assyrian. There are no MA sherds in the feature and there are a number of typical Mittani sherds including a painted bowl with dark brown paint over a buff background. Jar with a wide flat rim, typical Mittani carinatd bowl. 2 earlier sherds are mixed with these Mittani pottery from the ED III period. This ia a usual pattern because the strata below are heavily ED III. I3 Mittani f 200 I12 there were a large number of sherds in this feature which makes the dating very secure. Last season when we analyzed the sherds I determined that they were ED III. This season I have studied in depth the well stratified sherds from J1 and J5 near the revetment wall where we have a sequence of strata dating to ED III. Therefore we now know what the characteristics of early ED III ceramics as different from later EDIII. This feature is dated to early ED III. I3 early ED III f 314 I12 date in the middle of the ED III period, typical folded rim jars with deep interior groove from early ED III, but also the same type of jar with thinner and less deep indicating that it is middle ED III, also indicating middle ED III are the very finely smoothed Simple ware sherds. One body sherd out of place in this context is a late Ninevite V incised decorated sherd. I3 middle of ED III f 297 I12 typical ED III bowl with squared rim, straight sided Simple ware bowl with small rolled rim, flaring rim jar usually made in WS ware but here it is CH ware. 1 LC3 lid sherd. Too few sherds to determine what part of ED III it belongs to. I3 ED III f 284 I12 few shape sherds that appear to be mixed between LC3 and ED III. I3 mixed LC3 and ED III f 237 I12 only 3 sherds for dating and all could be ED III but it is impossible to be certain I3 ED III? f 290 I12 Simple and FC wares so could be ED III. 1 small conical cup rim sherd in Simple ware I3 ED III? f 289 I12 only three sherds for dating, 2 FC from small bowls or conical cups. Impossible to determine date I3 not clear f 308 I12 only 4 sherds for dating, three Simple ware and one larger convex base all could be ED III I3 ED III? f 164 I12 few datable sherds but some body sherds and some shape sherds indicate that the latest date it could be is Phase 3 (Akkadian). Some sherds are also clearly ED III. I3 Akkadian (Phase 4m)