.bk J07 .fl S824cjc2.j .fd feature descriptions, daily journal .rd S824 .ri cJC -dy Today we only went to the field for one hour. There was a large dust storm that completely stopped work. The workmen were sent home and we will work in the house today. cJC will concentrate on updating the UGR and entering objects. f 900 df mx ds This is a mixed feature that comes from both k4 and k3. The east portion of these squares will be cut back 1 meter from inside k200. Because the dirt from the two can not be kept seperate once shoveled down to k200 and because there will be no seperation of features on stratigraphic basis I have assigned only one feature for all the pottery and q-items recovered from this method of excavation. f 49 ds Today some unbaked bricks were found in f49. This feature clearly includes the brickfall that was expected based on the excavations in J6. ad Volumetric feature f 41 ;df vm ds Volumetric feature. This area is essentially the south baulk of k1. It has been assigned to a new locus, k100. This feature was excavated like a baulk with no separation of features. It was larger than a normal baulk, about 2 meters East-West and 1.5 m North-South. Part of the dirt was thrown down south of k100 to backfill part of the C2 excavation and create a viewing platform where we installed a cement staircase this year (see v26). f 44 ;df vm ds Volumetric 50cm feature. Mostly natural accumulation. All 50 cm were not excavated as we changed the emphasis towards finishing in k4, k5 and k6. f 18 ac The floor feature was excavated when I was not in the field so no information was recorded except the elevation. el 9170 ;v ;22 E gk2, gf 25,29, 37 View showing the stones in C2, the area excavated by the German team, and how they may be in line with stones excavated in k2. ;23 S gk1,2,3 gf4,35,25,29 View of large stones in East sections of k1, k2, and k3. These stones are also associated with other stones not visible in this view because they are still covered by the baulk. These features are f36 and f38. ;23a W S gk1,2,3 gf4,35,25,29 Overhead view showing large stones in the sections of k1, k2 and k3 that are aligned. ;24 E gk5, gf14, gf16, gf19 South portion of the East section of k5 showing three volumetric features each 50 cm thick. ;25 E gk5, gf14, gf16, gf19 North portion of the East section of k5 showing three volumetric features each 50 cm thick. ;26a OV gk100 View showing area to be backfilled in k100 ;26 N gk100 View showing area to be backfilled in k100 ;27 N gk100, gf21, gf41 View showing continuation of f21 South and East of where it was originally uncovered in k1. The approximate area it occupied in k1 is indicated by a dashed line. ;28 S gk5 gf42 View of mud surface in k5. It was uneven and very compact. Probably due to the presence of water. ;29 W gk3 West section of k3. This view shows the natural accumulation, the brickfall and the ashy layer. Very similar to the sequence in J6k87. ;30 W gk4 West section of k4 before it was cut obliquely. This view shows the layers of natural accumulation and the brickfall. .rd S821 .ri cJC f 41 100 vm m4856 0 0 S821 cl 42 5 m6004 119 150 m6001 37 147 cl 43 4 m6006 125 150 m6028 15 151 cl .rd S821 .ri cJC 44 3 vm m6008 115 151 m6028 15 151 cl ;45 was not used 46 6 vm m6022 67 147 47 5 vm m6001 37 147 m6001 0 160 48 5 vm 49 5 m6001 0 160 .rd S824 .ri cJC 50 4 vm m6028 15 151 900 200 mx f 20 tc co f43 f 12 tc co f44 f 43 tc co f50 f 19 tc co f42 f 42 tc co f47