.bk J07 .fl S825cjc.j .fd daily journal .ed S825 .ei cJC .en Edited by cJC on U811 .rd S825 .ri cJC -dy Today we continued work in k4, k5 and k6. We finished excavating k6 very early in the day. A mud surface was uncovered and it appears there may be other surfaces so we will stop excavating in this locus this season. We scored and photographed the south section of this locus. A jar rim was uncovered in one of the surfaces but we will not excavate to see if it is just a rim or a whole jar. It will be covered up and left for excavation in the future. In k3 we reached the level where the brickfall ends and made the whole excavated layer level. The sections were all cleaned and scored. In k4 we continued excavation fairly rapidly through the brickfall. The largest concentration of workmen was in this area. At the end of the day we reached what appears to be the end of the brickfall. We spent a fair amount of the day cleaning for overall pictures of the area tomorrow. We will photograph all the sections well and then remove them in sequence from north to south to maintain good overall views. k 5 dy Today we continued excavating the brickfall in this square. We excavated rapidly with three pickmen. A small cup was found in the northeast corner of the square (i2) and towards the end of the day a skull was found in the northwest corner (i3). lR came to identify the skull and she thinks it is human. She will excavate what is left this afternoon (it was partly damaged during excavation). If there is a body it likely continues into the north baulk and so we will have lR come and excavate it when we reach that level. k 4 dy Today we finished excavating in this square. The bottom level is flat at the end of the brickfall. The sections were cleaned and scored to be photographed tomorrow. k 6 dy Today we finished excavating in this locus. We have reached the level where the brickfall meets some surfaces and so we will leave this for excavation in the future because with 2 days left we do not have the appropriate amount of time left to excavate these delicate floors properly. f 51 df bf ds This feature was assigned to the thin layer of brickfall visible in k6 (formerly J02k4) in the south section. A jar rim was found in the bottom of this surface but we will not remove it, it may be a standing jar sitting in some of the floor features visible in the south section. f 49 df bf ;df vm ds This feature is a volumetric feature almost entirely composed of brickfall. A small cup (i2) and a human skull (i3) were found inside. The bricks are both gray and red bricks and the same as the brickfall in J6. el 8759 @bottom .rd U811 f 49 nv This feature has two bottom elevations as it thought to be finished excavating but then we excavated more. Rather than remove the elevation I have simply added the new ending elevation. .rd S825 f 47 tc co f49