.bk OH02 .fl I716jlw.j .fd daily journal .ei jLW .ed I716 .fn diary for I716 .rd I716 .ri gB a 1 ds cluster of stones laying horizontally, near the top of f8. Individual stones have not been triangularized, but relative measurements have been made. nv 77 below section line in North baulk (which is 143 below m1870). Center point is 61 from Nbaulk, 145 from Wbaulk. See Sketch 5. a 2 ds loose cluster of stones about 30 cm below a1 and scattered E and S of it. f 12 tx granular co reddish, but less so than f3. ds this feature has been recognized in section only, during stratigraphic review after section drawing. It appears scored in section drawing but not in final shots taken I714. It may be the result of minor collapses of f3 caused by numerous rodent holes; in other words, the effect of plowing may have pushed down some of the soil into the relative voids of rodent action. A large burrow shows in section on the Northern end. bo not marked f 11 M1 may represent an earlier floor surface, eroded all around. However, this may be an illusion caused by our levelling action; very little of it is left. f 12 ph C5407 taken by GB with hand camera to show scoring of f12 and rodent holes. Look SW at corner of Southern and Western baulks. ;s ;A1 1,2,3,6,12 topsoil and plow line ;A2 4,5,7 accumulation ;A3 8,9,10,11? laminations ;A4 11? gypsum packed floor f 3 tc co f12 f 12 tc co f4 a 1 k1 stones stones at higher elevation within f8 2 k1 stones looser stones at lower elevation within f8 f 12 k1 so plow line, detected in section