.bk Oh02 .fl V614cJC.j .fd Parts of files that won't run and also additions from various non-J files. .ed V614 .ei cJC .rd I716 .ri gB ;s ;A1 1,2,3,6,12 topsoil and plow line ;A2 4,5,7 accumulation ;A3 8,9,10,11? laminations ;A4 11? gypsum packed floor .ri jW .rd I724 v 1 O99 Informational photos taken on the first day of excavation to show the general orientation of the square and its environment. v1a shows the ridge near k1 while v1b shows workmen excavating topsoil, f1. .rd I708 .ri gB v 2 O99 Informational views looking to the southwest, taken on the third day of excavation showing the general orientation of the square with respect to its setting, which includes the main tell, a small adjacent ridge and the tens of a family of nomadic herders. .rd I723 .ri jW v 3 O99 Shows where the first sealing was found, within the accumulation layer f4. .rd I711 .ri jW v 4 O99 View looking north showing all the features excavated as of I711, with particular emphasis on the soil (f1, f2, f3) and the accumulation (f4, f5) features. It illustrates that they were uniformly layered and that there is no obvious containment. .rd I724 .ri jW v 5 O99 Shows the complete stratification excavated as of I713. It also highlights a pile of stones in the NW quadrant. .rd I724 .ri jW v 6 O99 I took the picture laying low, near surface of tell just outside k1, looking West. Abdel Kareem’s face is visible from within locus, Ahmed Omo is standing on W edge. In the background (and this is the point of the picture) a sharp rise is visible, with VW parked right on top. This rise is likely cover a structure linked with our finds in k1. .rd I725 .ri jW v 7 O99 Identifies the extent and orientation of a brown patch of soil (f10), which intrudes into f8. v7a shows its relationship to the East baulk, f5 and f8. .rd I722 .ri jW v 8 O99 Final photo of the Northern section at the end of the excavation. v 9 O99 Main view of Western section at the end of the excavation season. It shows f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f8, f9, f12, a1 and a2, along with the unexcavated “platform” of f8 in the Southern half of the square. O99 * is location of rodent hole v 10 O99 Final photo of the Southern section at the end of the excavation. v 11 O99 Final photo of the Eastern section at the end of the excavation. v 12 O99 Final photo of the Northwestern corner at the end of the excavation. O99 * is location of rodent burrow v 13 O99 Final photo of the Southwestern corner at the end of the excavation. v 14 O99 Final photo of the Northeast corner at the end of the excavation. v 15 O99 Final photo of the Southwestern corner at the end of the excavation. .rd I725 v 16 O99 General view from the North. OH2 in the foreground, with tell in background; VW on slope from top of ridge; John behind VW to mark top of ridge; tent in depression; Mozan village on right simulates what ancient structures in OH2 would look like. Ismail’s truck against wall of dig house indicates distance, since it is about as long as VW .rd V706 .ri cJC v 1 gk 1