.bk A14 .fl N827jl.j .fd journal entries .ed N827 .ei jl .ri jl .rd N827 k 100 ds This locus is equal to the north baulk of k1. It was created at gb's suggestion for the purpose of making a limited cut in the section of the pit a4, in order to reveal the pit section better. However, we misunderstood gb's instructions and made it much larger than he had intended, i.e. most of the k1 north baulk. When the confusion was resolved, we decided that the simplest solution was to make k100 equal to the entire k1 north baulk, as this would make measurements, drawings, etc. easiest on us, rather than dealing with an irregularly sized locus. Also, we made the cut which gb had originally intended, a small cutting back of the south-western side of the a4 pit section, going almost to the bottom of the pit, still within k100. k 89 ds This locus is the small area between the east end of k11 and the western wall of AF, in A12 (season J). We opened it originally in order to see a complete section extending through k11 and k89 and connecting A14 stratigraphically with the palace. However, after we discovered a possible wall top in k89, we decided to suspend excavation there until we better understood the nature of the presumed stone foundation a5 in k11. It is possible that the wall of AF actually extended further than we have believed, through k89 and into k11. .rd N729 -dy dc fell into the pit a8 today when the baulk edge on which she was standing collapsed underneath her. Luckily, she only sprained her ankle. In terms of excavation, we finished removing the east baulk of k1 and began on the east baulk of k100, but stopped because fab took most of our workmen for A18. Instead, we concentrated on the east baulk of k2, where we removed the top layer and then excavated the pit fill of a8. rd2 and raf spent most of the day drawing baulks. -sg Because dc is injured and can't come down to the site, she will stay at the house and work on object descriptions and on the computer. I will spend every day in the field, with the assistance of rd2 and raf. .rd N810 f 134 ds This soil was found in the southern extension of k11, underneath the topsoil f131. It was somewhat harder than f131 and contained many small rocks. -dy Today, we continued excavating in the southern part of k11 and in k2/the east baulk of k3, around the tannur enclosure a11. In k11, we revealed a stone connecting a5 to A12a33. .rd N809 -dy Today, we excavated primarily in the southern extension of k11 and in k2/the k3 east baulk. gb and fab came to discuss our plans for further excvation in k1/k11. At first, gb believed that we should removed the north baulk of k11 and dig k1 and k11 at the same time. However, the extremely red, bricky material visible in the north-east corner of the k11 section convinced him that there was possibly a structure there, or possibly brickfall, the remains of a nearby palace wall which collapsed during Phase 3. So, we decided instead to open k89, a new locus to the east of k11, next to the AF palace wall. Then, we could view and draw the whole section, extending to the palace wall, before we removed the north baulk, and would hopefully understand the red better before we removed it. .rd N811 -dy Today, we dug first in k2/k3 and in the southern part of k11. We decided to quit digging in order to avoid removing f104, since it is not yet clear whether or not it (and a11, for that matter) is associated with the "path" between the platform and the underground structure. Instead, we began removing the baulk between k11 and k12, since it was drawn two seasons ago. In k11, we brought all of the south side to the same level and then laid out k89, east of k11 and against the AF palace wall. Finally, we removed the topsoil in this new locus. .rd N814 f 135 ds The topsoil in the k12 east baulk. f 136 ds This is the topsoil in k89 and included a lot of modern accumulation resulting from previous excavations nearby. f 137 ds Accumulation under the topsoil in the east baulk of k12. It was very crumbly and light brown-gray in color because it had dried out so much. It was related to the f33/f34 layer across which extended across the whole unit. f 138 ds More topsoil in k89, presumably the original topsoil underneath the excavation detritus f136. f 141 ds Topsoil in k12 north baulk. f 142 ds Accumulation with the walls of a11 in the north baulk of k12. It is compact gray soil with occasional red, black and white inclusions. f 143 ds Broken red brick in brown matrix. Possibly palace wall brickfall during phase 3. In the east baulk of k11. .rd N809 f 129 ds This is the gray soil matrix with small brick and ash inclusions common to A14. It is equivalent to f33. It is found in the east baulk of k3. nd An error in numbering caused q-lot q357 to include both f129 and f33, rather than separating the two features out into separate q-lots. This bag was numbered as f129. Because both f129 and f33 are the same physical accumulation, this is only a minor clerical problem. q 357 nd An error in numbering caused this q-lot to include material from both f129 and f33. Because they are the same physical accumulation, just in different loci, it is only a minor clerical problem, not a stratigraphic problem. .rd N810 f 130 ds This soil was fairly hard and greasy, containing many small pieces of broken brick. Overall, the matrix was gray. It was equal to f32, and was the material within the walls of a11 in the k3 east baulk. f 131 ds Topsoil in the east baulk and southern extension/baulk of k11. f 132 ds Tannur or burning/cooking installation of some nature in a11. f 133 ds Topsoil in north baulk. Given that we cut this baulk down two years ago, it may not actually be topsoil, but Phase 5 accumulation. I will have to check the elevations.