.bk J02 .fl O730mh.j .fd daily journal .ed O730 .ei mh .rd O724 .ri mh -wk Only 16 workmen showed up this Saturday. k 100 dy We continued moving soil that was pushed into it in previous days. k 93 dy Continued to remove the east baulk (q244). k 13 dy Continued in two locations: 1) close to the western edge (q245) and 2) at/around the northwest corner. At the northern edge of k13 the stones end abruptly. About 50 cm south there is, however, an east-west line of stones. We do yet know if these stones continue towards south since we have not excavated there yet. k 3 dy We continued removing the eastern baulk of the unit. After it was removed, we continued to level and clean the unit.