.bk J02 .fl O808ap4.j .fd daily journal, descriptions of f127-f134 .ed O808 .ei ap .rd O731 .ri ap f 127 ;df w ds Probable wall whith North/South orientation that came out on the last day of excavation. It abuts on the North side the oval wall f128 and on the East side the apron f131. Maybe it could be a secondary addition. f 128 ;df w ds Part of the oval wall in k13. It already came to light last year in J1. For the moment we exposed 4/5 rows of stones for an height of about 1,5 m (we presume that the wall is at least 3 m high). The stones are big in size and they are quite irregular. Any kind of mortar seems to be used between the stones. f 129 ;df w ds Stone wall with North/East-South/West orientation which starts on the top of the staircase and stops at the end of the steps. At the end of the wall it's possible to recognize a kind of doorjam. The wall consists of stones, big in size, quite regular and with flat sides. Any kind of mortar seems to be used between the rows of stones. f 130 ;df steps ds this feature is constituted by the steps of the monumental staircase. The steps are orientated north-east/south-west. The upper face of the stones is flat and the size is very regular. The steps seem to be of a different color (lighter) if we compare them with the steps of the apron. f 131 ;df apron. ds The imposing structure which we defined apron is located on the western part of the monumental staircase f130, running along all its length. The northern edge of the structure abuts an open space filled by reddish material with white organic inclusions (f74) which is the typical packing we found in the third Millennium structures in Mozan (palace). The western edge of the apron is characterized in the northern part by big and squared stones collapsed towards east. However it is possible to notice the general alignment of the stones from North to South, where it abuts in the northern part a gap f134: here we found some bricks (f89); in the southern part abuts directly the oval wall (f128). It could be interesting to notice the presence (in the south-western corner) of a flat stone, bigger than the others f154. In the southern part the apron abuts also a small wall (f127), which we excavate just the upper part. pr We were not able to define the southern edge of the apron, since we stopped excavating at m3907 +10 -164, where we noticed brickfall (f112) which could be the rest of the mud-bricks structure built in the space where we found the packing f 132 ;df secondary apron. ds The secondary apron was built western from the apron f131. The two structures were almost surely contemporary. The eastern side abuts the gap f134 and the bricks f89. The southern part, instead, abuts the gap f133. The connection between the oval wall f128 and the secondary apron f132 is not clear and we are not able to explain the presence of the gap f133. The orientation changes if we compare it with the one of the apron f131. It is a little oriented towards East. f 133 ad gap ds fill of the gap between the secondary apron f132 and the oval wall f128 in k12. f133 has a West-East orientation. The top elevation is m3810 + 59 -164. f 134 ad gap ds fill of the gap between the first (f131) and the second apron (f132). The orientation is north-south.