.bk J02 .fl P806mh2.j .fd daily journal .rd P806 .ri mH .ed P806 .ei mH -dy We worked only in k4 and k100 today. -sf vVE worked at the house again due to the accident on thursday. aL worked with jW most of the day helping him excavate a Mitanni grave. -wk Anwar and Fawaz joined us at the excavation today. Anwar will oversee the work with elevators and Fawaz will work as a showel guy. Juma left after breakfast due to a cut at the bottom of his foot. Omar and Kamiran in k4 are particularly good and efficient workers. Towards the end of the day I relocated two showel men from k100 into k13 to help fill that elevator with the dirt coming from k4. I need to, however, figure out how to get both the elevator in k13 and in k100 running efficiently and dirt moving. -eq We installed a third elevator into k13. This was the elevator we just last year in k100. Its motor was broken at first but Balian fixed it and we got the elevator running towards the end of the day. The elevator placed in k15 worked very well all day. We removed most of the dirt that had accumulated in k5 during the first days of excavation when we did not have the machine. The elevator placed in k100 also worked well. k 13 dy We placed the third elevator into this unit and it now prevents us from going down in it. We opted for this placement at least for now, since we have plenty of work to do both in k100 and k4 and we only have men for two operations at a time. Before placing the elevator into the unit, however, we placed a plasting on our excavation surface and collapsed some dirt from the top of the western section of this unit where there had been a large and dangerous-looking crack. k 4 dy Thursday we had removed soil from an area 50 cm wide (q386) along the apron (f131) in order to expose another step for the review on Saturday P805. Today we started by bringing the whole unit level (q386 and q389). We then cleaned the unit very well and took three pictures. v78 was of the floating stones (f147.1, f147.2, and f147.3), which we removed later together with their pedestals (f148 q390) and placed with stones removed last year. v79 shows the Western baulk k4 and v80 shows the southern baulk. We will cut these baulks further back tomorrow. We continued going down with the big pick (q391 and q392), but changed the feature into f149. This changes of feature did not result from a change in the characteristics of the soil, but from a concern of not letting features grow too thick. After the last big run of the day we found plenty of ash, charcoal and the small patches of the same reddish material that characterizes some areas of the palace and the packing of the upper parts of the temple terrace. Tomorrow we will give this a new feature number. k 100 dy We continued alternatively by collapsing both western and eastern baulks of the unit and by removing older fallen dirt from the bottom of the unit. The operation was not very efficient; it took relatively long to first collapse the dirt and then get it into the elevator. This inefficiency was due partly to the nature of the work and partly to the lack of enthusiasm by the workmen involved.