.bk J02 .fl P809mH.j .fd daily journal .rd P809 .ri mH .ed P809 .ei mH -eq Elevator no. 2 located in k15 did not work well at the start of the morning, but Anwar repaired it quickly. In contrast, the elevator in k100 broke early and did not work for the rest of the day. -wk Fawaz and Adil did not come today. -sf vVE and aL worked at the house after breakfast shifting a soil sample q413.1. -mk bP put in baulk corner markers m4034 (NW corner), m4031 (NE corner), and m4032 (SE corner). She also gave me an additional marker on the north-south line between m4031 and m4032. This marker (m4033) helps us with keeping the sections clear. bP also redefined k5. m4037 is the NW baulk corner, m4038 is the NE baulk corner, m4039 is the SE baulk corner. m4036 is the SE corner of the unit, m3969 is the NE corner, m3967 is the NW corner, and m4035 is the SW corner. k 14 dy We continued excavating f159, the extremely hard and compact layer, which also contains a fair amount of pottery sherds. The workmen had hard time penetrating the layer even with big picks and therefore the work progressed slowly. We were, however, able to collect three qlots: q414, q415, and q419. At fAB's request we took three soil samples (q411.1, q412.1 and q413.1) from various places at the elevation of approximately 90.08 m. Of these vVE and aL sieved q413.1. The location from which this sample is taken is shown in v82b. We also collected two painted pottery sherds as q-items q415.1.1 and q415.1.2. These sherds were located at the elevation of 90.12 m. The baulk markers bP put in today made it clear that some part of the unit we have been calling k13 is actually the north baulk of k14 and some of that area even falls into the last 1 m of the 4x4 of k14. sg We should go down another 70 cm, move 90 cm south (i.e. leave a ledge), and cut back on the southern edge (N baulk of k15) to form the first slope for this unit. We can then continue another 2 m down, move north 90 cm and cut the previous ledge into a slope so that a 50 cm legde remains. k 13 dy We did not excavate here today, but the baulk markers bP put in today made it clear that some part of the unit we have been calling k13 is actually the north baulk of k14 and some of that area even falls into the last 1 m of the 4x4 of k14. With the new baulk markers this will no longer be a problem. k 5 dy We started by removing soil only on the eastern half of the unit, which was left higher at the end of the day yesterday. We then continued down (both included in q410). The soil here was a combination of extremely hard patches alternating with significantly softer areas. This resembles the situatiuon at the same elevation in all units. After breakfast bP came to define the baulks and edges of the unit and thus the work here was stopped for a while. Since we started work here without the baulk lines, I had defined an area for excavation that was located securely within the unit. After bP had redefined the unit, we had about 30 cm wide area unexcavated in the east, 15 cm in the north and 30 in the west. We started removing them from the west (q416), continued in the north (q417), in the east (q418). In the east we were able to remove only an area 1 m long north-south before it was time to call it a day. sC and I returned to the field in the afternoon and draw the northern section. sg On further consideration I came to the conclusion that we should not have left the 40 cm legde at the southern edge of k5. Instead we should continued 2 m down from the southern edge of the J2 (which is simultaneously the southern egde of k5), move south 90 cm, continue down 2 m, and then cut a slope so that only 50 cm remains of the 90 cm ledge we left. Repeating this procedure we should be able to make the stepped section we are planning. k 100 dy Elevator in k100 broke early in the morning and it did not work for the rest of the day. The workmen continued loosening the collapsed soil at the bottom of the trench with a big pick.