.bk J02 .fl P813mH2.j .fd daily journal .rd P813 .ri mH .ed P813 .ei mH -eq We moved the elevator from k13 into k14 at the start of the day, and the elevator from k5 to k15 at the end of the day. -mk We removed marker m3836. bP moved the lines on both sides of k100 from 2.7 m from the bottom egde of k100 to 4 m from the bottom edge. I asked her also to redefine the baulks of k15. She only had to put one new marker in (m4067) on the NE baulk corner, since the rest (NW baulk corner m3885, SW corner m3871, and SE baulk corner m3887) were already in place from last year. -wk I assigned Massum to pick in k101, Kamiran to pick in k13, and Abdul Rahman to pick in k5 with Omar. k 14 dy The unit had been brought approximately level with k13 on Thursday (q435). At the start of the morning we cleaned the unit well and took a picture of it (v83). We then placed plastic on the surface and moved the elevator from k13 into k14. We will not pause the excavations here for a while. k 13 dy Once we had removed the elevator into k14, we cleaned the area well and started excavating in the 2x2 m area that is left from k13 in front of the oval wall (f128) when k101 is excluded. We continued with the feature we had assigned this locus earlier (f140), but noted that the first q-lot excavated (q439) has been contaminated by the soil that ended up here when the elevator was located in this unit. While cleaning up after this q-lot we collected a seed sample (q439.1) close to the border between k101 and k13, right next to the oval wall. The next q-lot was q443. Both q-lots contained pieces of gypsum in the soil along the oval wall and f127. We finished the day by excavating the southern half of the unit (q447). k 101 dy After the elevator and the plastic was removed and the area had been cleaned, we removed the pseudobaulk (f165 q438) we had left in between k13 and k101. We also decided to simplify our definition of this locus. Previously this locus had been defined by relays r447, r448, r449, and r450, which left an approximatly 10-20 cm area between the southern edge of k101 and the southern edge of k13. From today onwards, k101 is defined by r450, r488, r489, and m3965. This definition eliminates the small sliver I mentioned earlier and makes this and k13 easier to excavate and to keep track of. We excavated with a big pick and sifted the soil (sift mesh approximately 1.7cm). All pottery bags marked with a blue ribbom. The first q-lot (q440) contaminated by elevator use and should not be used for dating purposes. There is also a problem with the depth of this q-lot. Other q-lots were q442, q445, q446. The last is only the eastern half of the unit. While excavatin q-lot q442, we found a beautiful bead (i7). k 5 dy We started excavating in the eastern half of the unit (q436), which had been left higher on Thursday. We continued by going down in the whole unit (q437, and q444) until we reached the 90 m elevation the ledge of which this unit is. While excavating q444, we found a metal item (i8). At the end of the day we moved the elevator from k15 into this unit since we stop the excavation in this unit at this 90 m level. k 102 dy This locus was established today. It is located to the east of k100 and it will be used to create a sloped section on the eastern wall of k100. The western edge of the locus is defined by the edge of k100 and its eastern edge is defined by a north-south line starting from m4046 and going south. aL will be keeping on eye on the work in this unit. We excavated one q-lot (q441) in the topsoil feature (f167) of this locus. k 100 dy We cleaned the bottom very well, took a picture of the first 3m in front of the steps (v84) including laminations or shiny parts that may we the result of having been under plastic (v84a). ar The partuially shiny surface perhaps relating to having been under plastic, makes me think that we reached the bottom of the German excavations in this trench.