.bk J02 .fl P815aL.j .fd daily journal for k100 and feature descriptions for .rd P814 .ri aL .ed P814 .ei aL -eq We have had some problems in k101 with the elevator so the work has gone on very slowly. k 100 dy We finished excavating the remaining 60 cms (starting from m4055) of k100, f173 (q481) and we started from an aboslute elevation of 87.39m. This feature is totally contaminated by modern objects (nylon, plastic bag, and so on). After this operation we tried to find the possible new step under the latest one found by the German team with a long metal rod (lg 64 cms) (bottom surface of q481) in three different parts of the surface. The rod was blocked by something in two points at the depth of about 30 cms. Then we started the excavation of other 10 cms of f173 (q484) in order to try reaching the bottom of the German excavation. We started from an absolute elevation of 87.33(m4054) and reached the absolute elevation of 87.27 which is the bottom of f173 and the top surface of f179; at this elevation we have inserted the rod into the soil another three times and all of these attempts discovered an obstacle at the depth of about 25 cms from the surface, about 50 cms from the top of the lowest step. At the bottom of f173 we assigned a new feature number (f179) for the new feature that, even if it is quite similar to the upper one, was separated from this by some tatters of nylon left there by the German expedition. We started removing 10 cms in the whole area (q492). We observed in the area near marker m4054, just in front of the lowest step, at an absolute elevation of 87.21, a change in colour, texture and soil composition. It became reddish with calcareous inclusion (bricks???). We observed that also this new feature is contaminated by modern objects. sg We have to finish the excavation of f179 from the whole area, clean the surface very well and take pictures of this surface before starting with its total removal in order to reach the step (if there really is one) under the latest one found. f 160 df ad ds f160 is the west baulk of k5. It is soft in consistence and the texture is fine and dusty; grayish in colour. f 169 ;df ad ds This is a natural accumulation just below top soil of k102, greyish in colour and crumbly in texture. Not completely removed. f 170 ;df st ds We assigned this new feature to six different stones (f170.1, f170.2, f170.3, f170.4, f170.5, and f170.6) collapsed into k100 pr f170 was removed in order to continue excavation. f 173 ;df ad ds This is an accumulation of contaminated soil in k100 (german trench); it is clayish in texture and brownish in colour. It was contaminated by plastic bags, tatters of nylon and other modern objects. pr f173 was completely removed in order to reach the bottom of the german excavation. f 179 ;df ad ds This is an accumulation in k100 that covers the whole area. It is similar in texture and colour to f173. pr We have decided to assign a new number because between them there were some tatters of nylon probably used by german expedition to mark the bottom of the trench. At the end of its partial removal we have noted in it some modern contamination.