.bk J02 .fl P817aL.j .fd daily journal for k100 and feature descriptions for f170.1, f192 and f194 .rd P817 .ri aL .ed P817 .ei aL k 100 dy we started to clean k100 (q510) in order to evidence the botton of f179; we started from an elevation of 86,94m taken in correspondence of m4056 (m4054, 61 -144). we have taken three pictures of k100 (v89, v89a, v89b), in order to show the colour and the inclusion of it. We gave a feature number to the stone which is in correspondence of m4055 (220W cms); the number is the same given to the six others which collapsed into german trench (f170.1-7). A new feature number (f192) is given to the pedestal of f170.7, it comprends f173 and f179 (q517). After cleaning the whole area we have observed that there is a difference between the northern part (from 0 to 230 cms South from m4054)and the southern one (from 230 to 400 cms South from m4054). The first part (f194) has a reddish colour and a lot of pebbles and gypsum of different dimension, the second has a brownish colour and inclusion of sherds, pebbles and some bones. we can observe the presence of natural patina above some parts of reddish ground. We have taken two pictures (v90 and v90a) to mark the boundaries (very confused) between the two features. Before starting excavation of f194 we have taken the elevation of two different points of it to calculate the slope of the feature. First point is taken next to the step (m4054, 86 -142: 87.21), the second one is taken at the border between the two features (230 cms South from m4054), (m4054, 63 -142: 86.98). The slope of f194 is almost 10%. We started with the excavation of f194 (q519) and the cleaning of the West and East section. We have taken a sample of gypsum (q519.1). sg we must finish the cleaning of f194 in order to clear the relation between this one and the brownish one. Then we must assign a new feature number to brownish layer. The goal is to remove totally f194 in order to arrive at the step under it. f 170.7 df st ds Stone collapsed into k100 after german excavation in correspondence of m4055 but 220 cms West from this marker. f 192 ;df ad ds Pedestal under f170.7; it includes two different previous features f173 and f179 and presents the same characteristic. f 194 ;df ad ds This feature is characterized by a yellowish red colour, by inclusion of gypsum and pebbles of various dimension and by various sherds. It starts from the last step found by german excavation (f130) and arrives at 230 cms South of this step. Red colour covers totally the area which comprends first 100 cms from the step and is more confused (sometimes presents circulare shape) near m4055 and after this. co# 7.5 YR 5/8 co yellowish red nr we have taken a sample of gypsum - q519.1 .rd R714 .ri pC f 194 sm accumulation in k100 yellowish red in colour with gypsum and pebbles of various dimensions and abuts f130. The last feature excavated by the german team in front of the staircase was at elevation of 87.16 and was dated to the Akkad period.