.bk J02 .fl P822aL.j .fd daily journal for k100, feature description of f209, f213, f214 and object description of q502.1, q437.2 and q435.4 .rd P822 .ri aL .ed P822 .ei aL k 100 dy we started the excavation of a trench in k100 (r521-524)which has east baulk of German trench as East border and the line of the lowest steps of f130 as North border. We began to remove f209 (q549), and at 7 cms of depht by its surface we found two very large stones: their medium width is about 65 cms, their top surface is about 60 cms below the top surface of the lower step of f130 (absolute elevation 87.04). We decided to dig totally the area until the m4055, the feature is the same but we opened another qlog (q554) and we discovered another big stone put in line with other two. Once removed f209 (bottom of f209 has an absolute elevation of 86.89) we observed two different walking floor (f213 and f214); in NW corner of trench we have put in evidence a walking floor formed by big pebble. We stopped because this floor is lower than f214 and f213. We also removed soil from the hole on the third step from the bottom of f130; we gave it a feature (f212) and a qlog (q555) we have taken the ground inside f212 as sample (q555.1) in order to see if in it are kept some organic traces. We tested with a long rod if below top surface of f 213 and f 214 in front of the newest stones founded there are other stones; something has blocked our rod at the depht of 20 cms in five different points. sg we must take a picture which represents the whole area with three walking floor, then we must dag the whole area until elevator taking away the first pebble floor (f205). f 209 ;df aa ds this feature is located immediately below f194 in k100 (red layer- probably the bottom of German Trench); it is medium hard in consistence and is sandy but not fine in texture. In some parts of it we noted spot of soil reddish in colour. co brownish yellow (wet), very pale brown (dry) c# 10 YR 7/4 (wet), 10 YR 8/4 (dry) f 213 ;df fc ds Probably walking floor located in k100. It is chunky in texture and includes very small pebbles and gypsum. It is medium soft in hardness. co yellowish brown c# 10 YR 5/8 f 214 ;df fc ds Probably a walking floor in k100. It consists of small pebbles and gypsum; it is medium soft in hardness. It presents some irregular black spot on the surface close to the the steps f130. The difference between f213 and f214 is that it is less chunky than f213. The division line is almost in the middle of k100. co yellowish brown c# 10 YR 5/8 pr we have decided to give a different number of feature even if it is very similar to f213 q 502.1 ;ct caf ad loom weight ds half loom weight with bead shape wm cl ht 1.6 w2 2.5 co very pale brown c# 10 YR 8/4 cn broken P2 ZSB 7-63 q 437.2 ct laf df debitage ds flake of flint without traces of working wm li ht 4.5 lg 2.3 w1 1.0 co greysh cn complete P2 ZSB 16-72 q 435.4 ct cv df sherd ds sherd of wall of a pot of irregular shape with painted decorations de unclear composition of straight and curve lines and dot red and black painted. wm cl ht 4.5 lg 3.4 w1 0.4 co very pale brown c# 10 YR 8/4 P99 to be drawn