.bk J02 .fl P823aL.j .fd daily journal for k100, f215 .rd P823 .ri aL .ed P823 .ei aL k 100 dy we assigned a new feature number to the big pebble floor below f214 (f215), it is classified as "pc" even though the pebbles are quite large, then we took away f209 (q560) trying to expose whole area of f213 and f214. We took absolute elevation for f215: 86.84; we finished excavating f209 and we put in evidence another stone close to f215. We started the excavation of f221 (q567) trying to put in evidence f205 (first walking floor with pebbles and sherds). The new area excavated is towards southern part of k100, 150 cms towards N and 220 towards W from m4057; it is the collapsed ground of german trench and is strongly contaminated by modern object. We finished take away f221 (q567) and we took absolute elevation for new feature f223 (86,79). We started asportation of f223 (q572) which is probably similar to f196. About 10 cms below its surface we found f205. We also took away the stone inserted in E baulk close to the lower steps of f130 (f225). sg we must finish taking away f223 and put in evidence f205 in the area. After cleaning and taking picture we should open another time k102 in order to build safety steps. f 215 ;df pc ds feature characterized by very big pebbles which seem to form a walking surface close to a big stone; the ground between pebbles seems to be the same as upper feature (f214) with medium soft hardness. co yellowish brown c# 10 YR 5/8 f 221 ;df ad ds it is the contaminated layer just above the bottom of german trench, it is very contaminated by modern objects (plastic bag, nylon), it is about 40 cm high. It presents mixed textures, hardness and colours. f 223 ;df aa ds it is a brownish coloured feature. It is medium soft with a clay texture and contains various inclusions of gypsum and pebbles of various dimensions; it contains also some sherds. Top elevation (m4054 25 -123): 86.79 f 225 ;df st ds stone inserted in W baulk of german trench. f 212 df hole ds hole present on one of the steps of the stone staircase (f130) (third step from the bottom of german trench). pr We took a sample of the soil inside it.