.bk J02 .fl P823sC.j .fd features descriptions 216-220, 222, 224 .ei sC .ed P823 .rd P823 .ri sC f 216 df ly ds f216 has been assigned to a layer characterized by a very fine consistence, due to the presence of melted bricks that give to the area a brown-reddish coloration. It is located in in the south-eastern area of k4 ( r674, r675, r676), in the corner with f144,: it is very fine in texture; the presence of some ash areas suggests that this feature could be the same of f150 in k3, f171 in k13 and f174 in k101. The consistence is medium soft; when wet is a bit plastic, leaves colour on fingers, light brown in color; once dry, it assume a grayish coloration. f216 abuts f218 (on the west), and the boundary between them is sharp. c# 7.5 YR 5/2 ;co grayish brown f 217 ad ad ds f217 has been assigned to the south-weastern area of k4 and to the north baulk of k5 (200 cm W and 200 cm S from r677). It is a bricky rubble, that give to the area a brown-reddish coloration. While excavating the soil disintegrated into particles of little dimensions (2-3cm) and the feature has medium-soft consistence. f217 abuts f218 (on the east): the boundary between them is marging, therefore is not easy to define. f217 is the same of f189 (above it), of f208 (on the eastern area of k14) and of f202 (in the eastern area of the E baulk). ;c# 10YR 6/3 ;co pale brown ar It has been very difficult to define the boundary between f217 and f218: in fact, the two feature have the same texture (very fine), consistence (medium soft) and color (brown-reddish coloration); f217 is a bricky rubble while f218 is a bricky debris. Therefore, after having scraped very well the surface we tryed to find the area where the transition between the bricky rubble and the bricky debris was more evident and there we decided to take a relay, and from this relay we define the area belonging to each of the two features. We assigned f217 to the bricky rubble (on the eastern area of k4) and f218 to the bricky debris (on the weastern area of k4). f 218 ds ad f218 has been assigned to the south-eastern area of k4 and to the north baulk of k5 (200m E and 200m S from r677). It is a bricky debris. When wet it is brown-reddish in colour while dry is gray. It the same of 188 (above it); f218 abuts f217 (on the west) and 216 (on the east). nr some tannur pieces have been collected while excavating f218. ;c# 10YR 6/4 ;co light yellowish brown f 219 df ad ds f219 is a natural accumulation in the N baulk of k14. The soil is medium compact with a very fine texture (clay and sandy) and ash areas; when wet it has a brown-reddish coloration, is a bit plastic and leaves colour on fingers; when dry it is grayish in color. c# 10 YR 5/5 co brown f 220 df ad ds f220 is a natural accumulation in the E baulk of k5. The soil is medium soft with a crumble and dusty texture and presents a yellowish brown colour; when dry it rubs off and is grayish in colour. c# 7.5 YR 7/1 co light gray c# 10 YR 5/3 co yellowish brown f 202 ;df ad ds today (P823) we finished to remove the E baulk of k14; f202 (200m N and 100m E from m4097) is a bricky debris and it is the same of f208 (above it), f217 (on the eastern area of k4) and of f189 (above f217). Wet has a brown-reddish coloration, while dry it assume a grayish coloration. c# 7.5 YR 7/1 co light gray f 222 ;df stone ds f222 (r677, r678) has been assigned to one floating limestone in the E baulk of k5. f 224 ;df wall ds f224 has been assigned to the wall running E-W in k14. .rd P823 .ri sC -sf vvE stayed at home working on templates k 15 dy Today we finished to remove f206 (the E baulk of k15); two ledges (one in the South and another in the North area of the baulk) were left from yesterday excavation. Once finished we moved the workmen in k5 (where they started to remove the E baulk of k5). k 5 dy Today we started to remove the E baulk of k5. On in the top of the baulk a floating limestone (f222, r678, r679) has been removed. ar in order to define the localization of f222 we took only two relays because of the lack of markers point in this moment in and close to this area. k 14 dy Today we finished to remove the dirty produced from yesterday excavation of f210. Lots of dirty in fact was still in the area, since yesterday the elevator was not working properly. The consistence of the soil is plastic and this is the reason why it sticks on the walls of the elevator, making difficult for it to remove the dirty. Then we started to remove f219 (the N baulk of k14). f219 presents the same structure and the same consistence of f174 in k101 and f171 in k13 (and of f210 and f211, both in k14): a medium compact soil with a very fine texture, clay and sandy, and ash areas. Once reached the bottom of the baulk (=88.37) the workmen moved on th E area of k14 and finished to remove f202 (the E baulk of k14); in fact a a little area was left (200m N and 100m E from m4097) since we started to dig this feature two days ago. In this area, f202 presents the same characteristics of f208 (above it) and f217 (on the eastern area of k4), and of f189 above f217): it is a bricky debris. We assigned also a feature number (f224) to the wall running E-W in k14, that seems to be connected on the north to the wall f127 (running N-S on the E baulk of k14). The elevation at the top is m4097 +82 -120 (=89.15) and at the bottom is m4097 +30 -120 (=88.63). k 23 dy We continued to dig in k23 f203. With today excavation a line of three limestones (belonging to f128) have been exposed. The soil is characterized by compact and hard surfaces alternated to soft ones: this is the same type of accumulation we have excavated in in k14 and k15 at this elevation. k 4 dy Today we continued to dig in the southern area of k4 and to the north baulk of k5. The whole area was characterized by the presence of bricky material and by a brown-reddish coloration. We differenciated three feature numbers on the basis of the structure and consistence of the bricky material. In the north corner a layer characterized by a very fine consistence (due to the presence of melted bricks) has been differenciate (f216, it has been defined by r674, r675, r676) from the rest of the area, characherized by fragments of bricky materials of bigger dimension. f216 presents also some ashes area, element that suggest that this feature could be the same of f150 (in k3 and f171 in k13 and f174 in k101). We assigned two feature numbers to the southern area of k4, defining them through r677 (that has been located in the area where the transition between the bricky rubble and the bricky debris was more evident): f217 has been assigned to the south-weastern area of k4 from r677 (200m W and 200m S from r677) and f218 has been assigned to the south-eastern area of k4 (200m E and 200m S from r677). It has been very difficult to define the boundary between these two features (f217 and f218) because they present the same texture (very fine), consistence (medium soft) and color (brown-reddish coloration). We assigned f217 to the bricky rubble (on the eastern area of k4) and f128 to the bricky debris (on the weastern area of k4). We finished to dig f217, but we did not finished to remove f218 and f216.