.bk J02 .fl P827aL.j .fd daily journal for k100 .rd P827 .ri aL .ed P827 .ei aL k 100 dy we finished cleaning section of West baulk of german trench (f237, q613) and we recognize that a very thin white layer of gypsum, connected to the latest step, excavated by the german excavation, could be the walking surface connected to it. Then we have taken pictures of the section (v108, v108a, v108b). After this we started removing f213 from the whole area to expose the pebble floor (q625). The excavation has put in evidence that the pebble floor (f215) continue at least to m4055. f215 seems to overlay the second steps exposed. sg we must finish to remove f213 from whole area (just to m4056), after we decide if we must remove f215 to reach the steps that presumibly are below f215. f 241 ;df ad ds this feature is located 150 cms West and 200 cms South (f242) from m4206 and has an absolute elevation of(m4206 135 -166) 90,41. It has a very soft surface with inclusion of pebbles, few pottery and traces of ash. ;co light grey ;c# 10 YR 7/1 f 242 ;df fd ds it is located in the southern part of k23 it presents a very compacted surface, hard but a very fine in texture. We observed the presence of few sherds and bones. It seems containing few pieces of bricks. ;co white ;c# 7.5 YR 8/1 f 249 ;df f ds walking surface in k23 characterized by the presence of big pebbles and sherds. Texture very fine but compacted and hard to dig. co light grey c# 7.5 YR 7/1