.bk J02 .fl P827jak.j .fd object description .ed P827 .ei jAK .rd P815 .ri vVE q 490.1 ct caf df uk ds reused pottery sherd of an irregular circular shape. Pierced from both sides with a diameter of 0.6 cm. Striations on the inside (evidence of fast wheel use). "Pierced disk," a "bead" or a "spindle whorl." cn damaged wm cl w2 2.9 ht 0.4 co light yellowish brown c# 2.5 Y 8/3 q 464.1 df wh ds fragment of a small miniature wheel. It was pierced. Part of the axle hub has been preserved and was pierced. Might be a spindle whorl. wm cl cn broken ht 2.2 lg 2.3 w1 1.7 co dark bluish grey c# 2.5 Y 4/1 P2 ZSB 5-16 q 443.1 ;ct cv ad sherd ds body sherd with a cream-colored (c Y 0/2) clay and painted decoration. This decoration consists of (probably) a band of black triangles which touch each other with their broadest points and with the 3rd corners in opposite directions. Above (or below) a orangey brown line; above this, black/brown dots. wm cl cn broken ht 5.4 lg 3.9 w1 0.8 co cream c# 5 Y 8/2 P99 to mKB/sherd yard q 426.3 df cv ds rim of a thin-walled Nuzi vessel, with dark grey paint on its cream body. On the grey band purple was painted in while a curving line filled in with white dots. wm cl cn broken w1 0.3 lg 4.2 ht 3.2 co cream c# 5 Y 8/2 P99 to mKB/sherd yard q 455.1 df si ds piece of grey clay. Possibly a bulla with a seal impression. wm cl cn broken lg 2.6 ht 1.7 w1 1.3 co grey P99 to mKB q 451.1 ;ct sm ad seed ds carbonized seed or pit cn broken wm charcoal lg 3.0 co black w2 1.3 P99 to vS .rd P816 .ri vVE i 7 df bd ds small, slightly asymmetrical barrel-shaped bead, made of a transparent crystalline stone with white and brown bands lg 1.2 w2 0.7 cn slightly damaged wm semi-precious stone co white and brown P99 to be drawn q 415.3 ct caf df uk ds half of a handmade, baked clay disk. The rim has a row of impressions, probably made by something of cylindrical shape; perhaps finger impressions. On top of the disk, along the rim, there is a row of circular impressions (likely fingernail impressions), pointing outward from the center. The center is decorated with a patch of circular impressions. The reverse is smoothed and slightly concave. ht 1.6 w2 4.5 cn broken wm cl co light orange c# 7.5 YR 7/6 P99 to be drawn .rd P821 .ri vVE q 459.1 ct caf df uk ds part of a roughly-shaped, baked, pierced clay disk. Its temper contains a lot of organic material. Pierced from one side, diameter piercing ca. 0.7 cm. Reconstructed diameter ca. 4.7 cm. cn broken wm cl lg 3.9 ht 2.6 w1 1.2 co dark grey c# 2.5 Y 5/1 P2 ZSB 5-16 i 12 ct maf df pin ds part of a bronze pin with (most probably) a circular section cn broken and corroded wm bronze lg 8.0 w2 0.2 co green P99 to undergo conservation, and be drawn q 539.4 df sg ds a burnt piece of clay of an irregular shape, and with two worked sides. One side has a finger impression, and the side perpendicular to it features slipsoid impressions lying against each other: perhaps the impression of a woven basket or rope; mKB suggests stick impressions as another possibility. cn broken wm burnt clay lg 2.3 ht 1.0 w1 1.1 co grey c# 7.5 YR 5/1 q 526.2 ad cl ds very irregularly shaped piece of sundried clay with several of its facets cracked by finger impressions. Other impressions seem to have been made with a small stick. cn damaged wm burnt clay lg 2.7 ht 1.4 w1 2.0 co grey P2 ZSB 8-46 q 539.1 df cl ds irregularly-shaped piece of sundried clay. No impressions; perhaps one old convex shape. Part of a bulla or jar stopper? lg 2.7 ht 2.1 w1 1.5 cn broken wm sundried clay co light red c# 7.5 YR 6/3 P2 ZSB 8-46 q 518.1 ad caf ds grey piece of clay. Material looks like the clay used for sealings; however, the shape is a protrusion, broken from a larger piece of clay (the leg of an animal figurine?). cn broken wm baked/burnt clay lg 2.5 ht 1.7 w1 0.9 co grey c# GLEY 4N P2 ZSB 2-15 q 525.1 ad cl ds irregularly shaped piece of grey, burnt or baked clay. Clay seems to be of the type also used for sealings, but there are no impressions, only some smoother surfaces. cn broken wm cl lg 3.1 ht 1.9 w1 2.0 co grey c# 7.5 YR 3/1 P2 ZSB 8-46 q 525.2 ct maf df uk ds a piece of bronze. The base of an arrowhead, with the point broken off. The stem has a rectangular section. cn broken wm bronze lg 2.2 ht 0.9 w1 0.2 co green q 521.1 ct caf df uk ds a handmade artifact of lightly-baked clay. It looks like a pipe head; an irregular, hollow globe with a small spout (diameter ca. 0.6 cm, with the diameter of the hole being ca. 0.3 cm). The top of the globe has been cut to create an irregular opening. The globe has a diameter of 2.6 cm. cn damaged wm cl lg 3.1 ht 2.6 w1 2.2 co grey c# 7.5 YR 5/1 q 512.1 df cb ds chunks of charcoal co black P2 ZSB 29-28 q 523.1 ;ct laf ad debitage ds an irregular obsidian flake. Some of its edges are slightly chipped. No percussion bulb. cn complete wm ob lg 2.4 ht 3.0 w1 0.9 co black P2 ZSB 16-77 q 464.2 df wh ds part of a baked clay miniature wheel with a reconstructed diameter of 5.4. The surface became very eroded while it was burried. The inside of the wheel is almost concave, while the outside is convex and has, in addition, a hub around the axle. The same was created by piercing from the inside to the outside of the wheel (reconstructed diameter of the hole: ca. 0.8 cm). cn broken wm cl lg 2.8 ht 3.3 w1 1.9 co cream c# 2.5 Y 8/3 P99 to be drawn q 522.1 df kw ds a piece of green kiln waste cn broken wm cl lg 6.0 ht 3.8 w1 2.5 co green P2 ZSB 10-19 q 519.3 df fg ds body of a baked clay animal figurine. All four legs are damaged or broken off; the head and neck are broken off. Tail in applique; probably broken off. Rear has a vertical incision. Over its hind legs and along its spinal cord runs a line of small (diameter ca. 0.1cm) circular impressions. cn broken wm cl lg 5.2 ht 2.8 w1 3.4 co dark yellow c# 2.5 Y 6/6 P99 to be drawn .rd P825 .ri vVE q 520.1 ct laf df uk ds small white stone loomweight, mace head on spindle whorl. It is half of a slightly asymmetrical stone donut shape. The stone has been pierced from both sides and the hole would have had a diameter of ca. 1.2 cm. The hole seems slightly off-center. cn broken wm li lg 4.7 ht 2.8 w1 2.6 w2 4.7 co white q 539.3 ct sm ad sh ds shell of a land snail cn damaged wm shell lg 2.8 ht 2.4 w1 1.8 co whitish P2 ZSB 26-17 q 516.1 df fg ds hindquarters of an animal figurine. Tail and right leg broken off; left leg somewhat pointy. No genitalia indicated. cn broken wm cl lg 3.7 ht 3.3 w1 2.9 co pinkish grey c# 7.5 YR 8/2 q 503.1 ad bl ds small obsidian point, perhaps a scraper cn damaged wm ob lg 2.0 ht 0.8 w1 0.5 co black P2 ZSB 16-73 q 526.1 ad caf ds small, handmade, irregularly-shaped clay cylinder. Big lengthwise scratch; probably from a small pick. Clay doodle. cn damaged wm baked clay lg 2.6 ht 1.4 w1 1.3 co reddish brown c# 7.5 YR 5/4 P2 ZSB 4-8 q 533.1 ct laf df debitage ds triangular flint flake; a scraper. Very little use wear on its edge. cn complete wm li lg 3.4 ht 3.3 w1 1.1 co grey c# 10 YR 5/1 P2 ZSB 16-73 q 498.2 df cl ds small piece of grey sealing clay. The only indentations are from fingers; there are no rope, etc. impressions. cn broken wm cl lg 2.4 ht 1.6 w1 0.9 co dark grey c# GLE Y 4N P2 ZSB 8-46 q 511.2 ct caf df uk ds part of a cracked, baked clay band, which had been part of a tannur (only loose debris was found). Remarkable are the concave bottom and convex top, as well as two holes (diameter ca. 2.3 cm) which pierced this band. cn broken wm cl lg 10.6 ht 5.1 w1 3.5 co reddish brown c# 7.5 YR 5/4 q 539.2 ;ct laf ad debitage ds a flint flake, exhibiting little evidence of use. The backside appears to be slightly polished. cn complete wm li lg 2.8 ht 3.0 w1 2.8 co grey c# 10 YR 4/1 P2 ZSB 16-73 i 11 ct caf df uk ds a baked clay, brick-like object, but with a slightly trapezoidal shape. Upper side has a central, lengthwise depression; the bottom is slightly cracked. The clay contained a lot of vegetable temper. fAB suggests a playing board. cn broken wm baked clay lg 7.7 w1 3.5 ht 7.3 co light red c# 10 YR 8/4 P99 to be drawn