.bk J02 .fl P830mH.j .fd Daily journal for P829 .rd P829 .ri mH .ed P830 .ei mH -eq There were occasional stops with the elevators sometimes due to power outages and sometimes to clogs. These however did not significantly impact the work. -wk Ramadan was sick and did not come to work today. -dy We finished work a few minutes early so that gB could give the workmen the sad news of Prof. Peccorella's death earlier in the day and announce that we would not work tomorrow. -mt We have now been sifting the soil excavated in first in k104 and k5 (north baulk), and now in k14 and in k5 and the amount of pottery we recoved has increased drastically. For every pick run we now fill 1-2 additional pottery bags. For example in k5 where we proceed with big picks qlot q659, which came from the excavators in the unit, was accompanied by qlots q660 and q674, which were collected by the sifters. In k14 q661 recovered by the excavators was accompanied by qlot q663 from the sifter. -ov We took an overall shot of, mostly, k4 and k14 showing f232 (stone wall), f131 apron, f150 (possible use-area in k4), and f129 (wall with the doorjam) in order to show their relatioship to one another before we removed f232 and continued excavating in k4. This view is v115. k 23 dy The day before we had nearly reached the target elevation of 90 m in this unit. The deepest part of the excavation area was the bottom of pit f254, which was 89.97 m. We told the pickman to level everything with the bottom of the pit and then finish. We thus dug only one q-lot (q657) in this unit after which me moved the men to work in k4. k 24 dy We continued with the removal of f252, layer below topsoil (q658). The target here was to reach the 92 m elevation and then reduce the excavation area by 1 m and only excavate there. The work, however, had progressed here so swiftly that we actually went quite a bit below 92 m before we reduced the excavation area. dy The elevation was m4071 +21-155 = 91.43 m when made the excavation area smaller. At this level there was also a single, rather small, floating stone, which we relayed and removed. This stone (f262) is defined by relays r924, r925, r926, and r927. After removing the stone and decreasing the excavation area we changed the feature number, although the soil texture did not change, and continued excavating down (q669). k 5 dy We went down in three different locations defined by the presence of the elevator approximately in the middle of the unit and the fact that we had had to save the edge for drawing, which we finished yesterday. We excavated to the west of the elevator (f164 q662 and q665), next to the edge both west (f164 q664) and east of the elevator (f164 q656, q670, and q672). These q-lots procuded several lithic artifacts and q670 even contained a piece of a tannur. k 15 dy Yesterday when I strang the limits of the ledges in this unit, I had left a triangluar area in the northeast corner of the unit as well as a stretch along the northern egde of the unit outside the limits of excavation temporarily. I did this so that we could draw the southern edge of k14 and k4. Thus yesterday we had excavated approximately in the middle of the unit. Since we drew the section yesterday, we could now extend the area of excavation to reflect the total area, where we want to go down. Here we filled three qlots. One (f193 q659) came from the excavators and the other two (q660, q674) from the sifter. We also removed one floating stone (f259), which is defined by relays r912, r913, r914, and r915. k 14 dy We took two pictures of the west section wall. These are v114 and v114a. k 14 dy We continued excavating in an area delimited by the northern baulk in the north, f224 in the south, and f127 in the east. We only excavated two qlots (q668 and q673). At the start of lot q673 we noted two ash lenses, one located in the northwest corner and one in the southwest corner of the excavation area. Otherwise the soil was characterized by different phases of brick decay. k 4 dy We removed f232, the stone wall that was found below f144, another stone wall. This feature consisted of six stones, which we labeled as components of the feature. We then excavated the pedestal on which the wall stood. This is feature f260. The stones were highest in the east and sloped gradually to the west. The highest point in the east was m4082 +165-155 = 89.07 m, in the middle the elevation was m4082 +149-155 = 88.91 m, and in the west, at the lowest point, it was m4082 +121-155 = 88.63 m. dy This is the same as the elevation of f150 as we currently have it. After removing f232 and its pedestal f260, we started remving the pseudobaulk (f261), which I had left between k4 and k100 in order to prevent contamination between the two loci. At first we removed a large stone (f265), which was parallel to walls f144 and f232, and thus possibly part of the upper wall (f144). This stone is defined by relays r928 and r929. We did not finish removing f261 today.