.bk J02 .fl P906gM1.j .fd description of q-items and items .ei gM .ed P906 .rd P827 .ri aA .rd P827 .ri aA q 616.2 df bd ds Lithic bead, damaged; almost rounded profile, both upper and lower sides flattened. wm li ht 0.60 w2 2.18 co gray P2 ZSB 12-18 .rd P828 .ri aA i 15 df bd ds Lithic bead with almost rounded shape. The hole isn't perfectly in the middle of the object. One side is flattened and polished, the other one is flattened but shows a series of paralle incisions all over the surface. wm li ht 0.62 w2 2.20 co yellowish brown P99 to drafting and photography .rd P829 .ri aA q 656.6 df ca ds Clay artifact, maybe a bead, with an unfinished hole in the middle that doesn't go throughout the object. Irregular profile, slightly flattened sides. wm cl ht 0.98 w2 2.97 c# 2.5Y 7/4 co pale yellow P2 ZSB 7-64 q 657.4 df la ds Little flint flake, still showing part of the external cortex. Flat sides, notches on edges. wm li ht 1.48 lg 2.35 w1 1.45 co olive brown P2 ZSB 16-74 .rd P831 .ri aA q 682.1 df sp ds Very small shell, broken, with a sharp end. wm sh ht 1.54 w2 0.74 co yellowish white P2 ZSB 26-12 q 684.2 df cl ds Little fragment of clay lump, irregular, no imprints. wm cl ht 1.28 lg 1.56 w1 1.46 c# 1 FOR GLEY 4/N co dark gray P2 ZSB 8-47 q 685.1 ad ca ds Clay artifact, broken, with a rounded profile; the upper part is tighter, and the object becomes wider to the end. Two red stripes are painted on surface. Concretions on surface. wm cl ht 3.85 w1 2.35 w2 4.30 c# 10YR 7/4 co very pale brown P2 ZSB 7-64 nt colour of decoration c# 5YR 5/8 co yellowish red q 687.1 df la ds Flint flake with signs of hitting all over the surface. Notches on one edge. wm li ht 0.61 lg 4 w1 1.43 co pale brown P2 ZSB 16-74 q 687.2 df cl ds Little clay lump with finger prints on one side and the imprint of a rope on the opposite. wm cl ht 1.57 lg 3.29 w1 2.14 c# 1 FOR GLEY 4/N co dark gray P2 ZSB 8-47 q 698.1 df cl ds Fragment of irregular clay lump, burnt, with no imprints on surface. wm cl ht 2.17 lg 3.22 w1 2.43 c# 10YR 4/1 co dark gray P2 ZSB 8-47 q 698.2 df cl ds Fragment of clay lump, with one side flattened, and the other that shows a concavity all along the object, maybe the imprint of what was sealed. wm cl ht 2.34 lg 3.64 w1 3.02 c# 10YR 5/1 co gray P2 ZSB 8-47 q 698.5 df kw ds Little fragment of kiln waste; porosity and some inclusions. wm cl ht 1.33 lg 2.91 w1 1.83 co olive green P2 ZSB 10-20 .rd P901 .ri aA q 702.1 df ca ds Three fragments of a clay artifat, with upper and lower sides flattened, one ofthem burnt. wm cl ht 0.60 lg 2.76 w1 1.91 c# 10YR 6/4 co light yellowish brown P2 ZSB 7-64 nt bigger fragment measured; maybe pottery q 710.1 ad fg ds Fragment of animal figurine, showing the beginning of the hind legs. Finger prints on surface. wm cl ht 3.58 lg 2.85 w1 3.37 c# 2.5Y 8/3 co pale yellow P2 ZSB 1-3 q 715.1 df ma ds Fragment of a bronze artifact, maybe a needle. One ned is sharper and bended. Light presence of concretions on surface. wm me lg 3.20 w2 0.30 co green P2 ZSB 13-2 q 719.2 df fg ds Fragment of animal figurine, maybe a bull; it shows all four legs, broken, the beginning of the neck and of the tail. wm cl ht 3.48 lg 5.05 w1 2.36 c# 5Y 7/4 co pale yellow P2 ZSB 1-3 q 719.4 df ca ds Clay artifact, with one side flat and the other spherical. There's a hole near the base that goes throughout the object. Maybe a handle. wm cl ht 3.21 w2 4.43 c# 2.5YR 6/4 P2 ZSB 7-64 .rd P903 .ri aA q 729.1 df bl ds Flint blade, broken, with both sides flat and smooth; notches on edge. wm li ht 0.41 lg 3.25 w1 2 co gray P2 ZSB 16-74 q 732.1 df cl ds Very little fragment of clay lump, with triangular shape. No imprints on surface. wm cl ht 0.88 lg 2.29 w1 1.60 c# 10YR 5/2 co grayish brown P2 ZSB 8-47 q 735.1 df wh ds Clay wheel, broken, type I. Concretions on surfaces, flattened sides. wm cl ht 3.62 lg 6.56 w1 5.72 c# 10YR 7/4 co very pale brown P2 ZSB 5-16 q 748.1 df cl ds Fragment of clay lump, with one rounded and flattened side. No imprints on surface. wm cl ht 1.86 lg 3.11 w1 3.27 c# 10YR 5/2 co grayish brown P2 ZSB 8-47 q 752.1 df la ds Lithic tool, maybe a pestle; basalt, slightly smoothed surfaces. wm li ht 8.89 lg 6.20 w1 4.84 co dark gray P2 ZSB 105-22