.bk J02 .fl Q822cC.j .fd object description .ei cC .ed Q822 .rd P907 .ri sC q 687.3 df cb ds sample of charcoal P99 ZSB 29-80 q 696.1 df cb ds sample of charcoal P99 ZSB 29-30 q 555.1 df cb ds sample of charcoal P99 ZSB 29-30 q 670.2 df cb ds sample of charcoal P99 ZSB 29-30 q 564.1 ad cb ds sample of charcoal P99 ZSB 29-30 q 667.4 df cb ds sample of charcoal P99 ZSB 29-30 i 10 df sil ds sample of soil P99 ZSB 29-29 q 713.1 df sample ds fibres found within three pottery sherds P99 ZSB 29-30 .rd P901 .ri sc q 720.2 df soil ds soil contained in the fill of f278 (f278 is a hole on the step of the apron f131) on a step P99 ZSB 29-30 q 721.2 ad soil ds soil contained in the fill of f278 (f278 is a hole on the step of the apron f131) on a step P99 ZSB 29-30 .rd Q810 .ri cC q 803.5 ad ca ds sliding ball lg 4.4 w2 2.7 wm clay c# 5PB 4\2 co dark bluish gray cn complete P99 ZSB 7-65 .rd Q810 .ri cC q 803.4 ad ca ds fragment of a sliding ball lg 4.7 w1 3.2 wm clay c# 4\10Y 1 co dark greenish gray cn fragmentary P99 ZSB 7-65 .rd Q810 .ri cC q 803.2 ad ca ds fragment of a sliding ball lg 4.9 w2 3 wm clay c# 10Y 1\4 co dark greenish gray cn fragmentary P99 ZSB 7-65 .rd Q812 .ri aS q 818.3 ad ca ds fragment of a handle ht 4.5 lg 3.5 th 3.5 wm clay c# 10R 6\3 co pale red cn fragmentary P99 ZSB 7-65 q 763.4 ad ca ds sliding ball ht 6.0 w2 3.5 th 3.5 wm clay c# 5YR 6\3 co light reddish brown cn complete P99 ZSB 7-65 q 554.2 ad ca ds fragment of a bead, half conserved w2 2.0 th 1.0 wm clay c# 5YR 6\2 co pinkish gray cn complete P99 ZSB 7-65 q 828.1 df kw ds amorphous slag vitrified ht 3.5 lg 2.5 th 1.5 wm clay cn fragmentary P99 ZSB 10-20 q 825.1 ad kw ds amorphous slag vitrified ht 3.0 lg 2.0 th 1.0 wm clay cn fragmentary P99 ZSB 10-20 q 719.5 ad ca ds andiron base, 3 parts are finished, one is broken. It is burnished on the outside part and on the base. Curved, without decoration. ht 13.1 lg 8.5 th 3.8 wm clay c3 2.5Y 6\4 co light yellowish brown cn fragmentary P99 ZSB 10-20