.bk J02 .fl S122pC.j .fd daily journal .ei pC .ed S122 .rd O704 .ri mh f 9 H99 The first feature of interest in J02 in terms of dating is the tannur feature f9 and its fill f10 in k14 attached to the middle of the southern baulk of the unit. We did not find a proper floor associated with it although we did find a hard, compacted layer of soil to the west of it, which I termed lb. This is f12 f 27 H99 The stone formations or stone groupings in k4, k5 and k14 probably belong to the same period. Theese are f27, f24, f26. While these stones do not seem to form a coherent structure, they clearly are the result of human activity and thus the date for these would be of interest. They are located underneath and mixed with soil deposition that seems like natural accumulation. the soil just immediately above or surrounding the stones as follows: in k4 the soil around and between the stones is f22, in k5 it is f16 and in k14 it is f15.