.bk J02 .fl S206pc2 .fd aggregate .rd R718 .ri pC .ed R718 .ei pC a 2 A12 v2a lc k14 df ta G11 f9,f10,f12 ds a2 corresponds to a tannur f9 and its fill f10, with the working floor f12 nf f9 is a tannur used for cooking and floor f12 had formed due to higher foot traffic around the tannur when it was used a 1 A12 v13 lc k33 df pit-a G11 f54,f55 ds a1 corresponds to a pit cut(f54) filled with pebbles (f55) located in k33 nf the fill consists in pebbles. Unclear function a 3 A12 v31 lc k84 df ta G11 f72,f73,f67 ds a3 corresponds to a tannur (f72) and the soil contained in it (f73) containing some bones, pottery and ash. f67 is the layer related to the tannur nf a tannur for cooking: inside was found some ashes a 4 A12 v72 lc k2 df ta G11 f85,f86 ds a4 corresponds to a tannur (f85) and the soil contained in it (f86) located in k2 nf tannur used for cooking a 5 lc k4 lc k5 lc k14 df is G11 f26,f27,f24,f17,f16,f22 A12 v26a ds The stone formations or stone groupings f27, f24, f26 in k4, k5 and k14, in front of the apron, probably belong to the same period, being also at the same elevation (ca @9160). The soil just immediately above or surrounding the stones in k4 is f22, in k5 it is f16 and in k14 it is f15. nf While these stones do not seem to form a coherent structure, they clearly are the result of human activity. They are located underneath and mixed with soil deposition that seems like natural accumulation. G3 this area is the result of human activity, when probably was not anymore used as a sacral area at the end of the Mittani time, being the monumental access almost covered by natural accumulations. a 6 df is ds a cluster of elements that indicate a period of use of the area in front of apron f131 and wall f128, belonging to transitional phase between mittani and khabur: it includes stone walls f144 and f232, f224, f288, layers f150, a red and ashy accumulation in front of f131, f200 wich is the same as f150, and features f171 and f174, abutting wall f128. all this accumulations are similar and are found at the same elevation (f171 and f174 at 88.98, f150 and f200 at 88.68, walls f144 and f224 at 89.26) Probably also stone f145 belongs to the same time of use. nf intense use area in front of apron and wall f128: the ashy layers indicate that there were burning activities and the walls parralel to apron and wall f128 were probably built to bound the area in front of the apron and frame accumulations South of them. Possibly bounds the sacral area, which in the third millennium was larger, i.e the plaza. G11 f144,f232,f150,f145,f224,f288,f200,f171,f174 A12 v100b lc k4 lc k14 lc k13 lc k101 a 7 df s ds the monumental stone acces to the temple BA which is composed by the apron f131, the staircase f130, the walls east f129 and west f127 that enclose the stepped structure f130, f131. nf the staircase f130 is the access to the temple terrace and its Temple, while its steps are lower, instead the steps of the apron are too high to be a staircase: is probably a monumentalization of the staircase or it could have the function of a theater, were people sit and look down a performance in the plaza. Walls f127 and f129 have the function of bounding and framing the monumental access; stone revetment wall f128 enclose the terrace to the South: it revert the terrace. f132 is the second apron and is a later building when the apron was half covered by accumulations. ns these structure belong to the same building phase and were used in the same time, except for the second apron f132 G3 all these elements show a similar masonry and are the one in function of the other and all built the monumental access to the temple terrace and the temple ;A12 v506 lc k2 lc k3 lc k4 lc k12 lc k13 lc k100 G11 f127,f128,f129,f130,f131,f132 a 8 A12 v113 lc k23 df pit-a G11 f254,f255,f249 ds a8 corresponds to a circular small pit (f254) and its fill (f255) located in k23, f249 is the floor related to the pit nf is not clear the function of this pit: the pit was excavated in pebble floor f249, and filled with pebbles; it is a sign of activity in front of wall f128 a 9 A12 v123a lc k4 df pit-a G11 f298,f299,f300,f301 ds a9 corresponds to two pits (f298, f300) and their respective fill (f299, f301); both pits are located in k4 and closed to each other G3 since the cut o both pits was visible in the eastern portion of k4 at the same elevation, we suppose these pits were made in the same period; therefore we think they can be related and be part of the same aggregate nf is not clear the function of those pits: inside the pit were found seeds and ash. Ritual pit? a 10 lc k4 df pit-a G11 f311,f312 ds a10 corresponds to a pit (f311) and its fill (f312) located in k4 nf probably this pit is related to a9, other two pits in the same area and elevation. are these pits ritual? a 11 df f ds a series of pebble floors located in front of the first three steps of staircase f130, dating to Third millennium: the pebble floors were found consecutively in only 67 cm thickness (top elevation of the first floor f215 is 86.98, the top elevation of the last floor f292 is 86.31), meaning that they were built during a short lass of time. nf This series of floors indicate a continuous use of the staircase and of the area in front of it in the Third millennium. The floors probably were damaged or covered and therefore made new G11 f130,f215,f258,f267,f276,f287,f292 lc k100 lc k104 A12 v127 .ri mH f 189 ar At the corner formed by the former east baulk and north baulk of k5 was found brown soil and pieces of brick. This area was defined as f188, whereas the gray and crumbly soil to its east was labeled as f189. First was excavated within f188 in order to examine whether the feature continues and perhaps reveals a structure in situ. After the first pick run it became evident that so such structure exits. Then was excavated f189, which partly covers f144. a 11 ds Equal to ^pv2